*******THE DAILY NUGGETS---2013******* “INVESTING A LITTLE MORE - TopicsExpress


*******THE DAILY NUGGETS---2013******* “INVESTING A LITTLE MORE THAN FAITH”The bible says in Proverbs 7:15 So I came out to meet you, Diligently to seek your face, And I have found you. The best definition I found for diligentis; quietly and steadily persist…The best definition I found for persist is, to be constant, refuse to stop, never give up. Additionally, the best definition I could find for found, is to discover. Therefore, I believe in order to receive the blessings of God we must keep going in the face of distractions, adversity and challenges and refuse to give up. I also believe that in order to experience positive change in our lives we must find out what God has for us and go out and make that change happen. We must understand that nothing in life will happenwithout an effort from us. Faith is fine in a prayer meeting, however; faith by itself will not deliver us in an alligator meeting. Are you hearing metoday?Many of us wasted valuable time this past year simply because we did not put any effort in applying the principles found in the word of God. Far too many of us did not experience the joy, peace, success, and prosperity that our Lord brings to the faithful, because we failed to put any effort into diligently seeking God for our blessing. As I have said before; if we want to see positive change in our lives, then after believing God, we must make an effort if we truly want to experience that change. Our God is not in the habit of giving blessings to those who are too lazy to place themselves in a position to receive those blessings. Let me say this; we must invest a little more than just our faith. It is not enough to know what God will do if we believe Him, but we must position ourselves to receive our blessing. The bible teaches us in Mark 11:24; Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. Now if you prayed for a specific job, then you need to start applying and talking to people at places where they have that type of job. Please do not expect God to stop by your house and drive you to that job but get out of that bed and off your butt and go get it. Do I have somebody out there with me today? God honors our faith, but He also wants us to get up and actively pursue and discover the blessing He has for us. Faith without action is not really faith at all. So, if there is something we want to happen in our lifetoday I suggest we believe God, and get up off our rump and go get our blessing! Remember, God honors His principles and if we want to receive His blessings, we must actively operate in those principles. Therefore I encourage all of us today to invest a little more than just our faith.Verse of the Day: (New King James Version)James 2:18 But someone will say, "You have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.Let Us Pray: Lord I thank You for giving me the mind to put feet to my faith…in Jesus Name, Amen...FOCUS CHAPTER FOR THE WEEK---Matthew Chapter 13NEW AND LIVING WAY OUTREACH MINISTRIES"CHANGING THE WORLD ONE CITY AT A TIME"If you no longer wish to be part of this distribution list, please respond by placing “remove” in subject line
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 10:41:11 +0000

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