‘THE FINAL DAYS”==My sister put up a scripture today on a - TopicsExpress


‘THE FINAL DAYS”==My sister put up a scripture today on a posting concerning the FEMA CAMPS and GUILLOTINES that I’d like to expound on before I bring the scripture to light. I think it’s simply amazing that 1st. the News media does not bring this to us and secondly that those who read the postings brought forth everyday concerning these atrocities are either passive or completely ignorant. The following is a statement by a retired FBI Agent 2 years ago that some have posted recently : “From Dem Underground: In Pensacola, Fla., retired FBI agent Ted Gunderson tells a gathering of anti-government “Patriots” that the federal government has set up 1,000 internment camps across the country and is storing 30,000 guillotines and a half-million caskets in Atlanta. They’re there for the day the government finally declares martial law and moves in to round up or kill American dissenters, he says. “They’re going to keep track of all of us, folks,” Gunderson warns. The following comment to this statement is as such “It’s one thing to hear this from conservative sites like Alex Jones or Drudge Report, but when rabidly liberal sites like Democratic Underground start reporting on this you know that the truth is starting to ooze out of Washington. Or leaked on purpose to prepare you. Hmm”. For those who believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and those who are not believers I bring to you now the scripture Sharon put up which can be found in the book of Revelation Ch 20, verse 4 “And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years”. The mark of the beast and the anti-christ are 2 subjects many have heard about, some in churches or water cooler conversations and various other discussions, The strange fact is that the elitists whom I depict as (The disciples of satan) are very aware of this scripture and I believe it is the basis of every form of evil that is brought upon us, this is the reason for the internment camps, coffins and guillotines that are mentioned to squelch and kill those who do not go along with this 1 World Order we hear so much about. The people are stirring and awakening because of the scandals Washington is now being scrutinized about, Like the IRS, Benghazi and the monitoring of every citizen in this country. These dissenters agent Gunderson spoke of are retired military personnel, Activists of many causes, scientist who reject Darwinism and all believers in Jesus Christ, Gunderson’s statement “They’re there (the fema camps, coffins and guillotines) for the day the government finally declares martial law and moves in to round up or kill American dissenters, he says. “They’re going to keep track of all of us, folks,” > this statement is very bold and I believe to be true, I cannot encourage strongly enough for everyone to read the 24th. Ch. of the book of Matthew to see how very true these prophecies of Jesus are coming to pass in our lifetime today and I cannot emphasize enough the call to repentance to all by Jesus Christ for the days are getting darker and the coming of Jesus in Judgement is so very close, I pray all take heed to this posting by myself and many others who are trying desperately to warn the people of the impending doom we will soon face.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 16:26:37 +0000

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