“THE GOVERNMENT SHALL REST UPON HIS SHOULDERS” Politics and government. We seem to see them as necessary evils, bringing frustration in the present but still giving us hope for the future. Our contradictory attitudes about politics are revealing. We recognize the failure of human solutions, but at the same time we know something must be done to fix what’s broken in the world. What man can’t do, God has done; He’s given the Messiah. At a time when the world is weary and despairing of political solutions, when the political future looks bleak, this is welcome news. Isaiah (9:6) in referring to this child that was born said, HE IS A, “WONDERFUL COUNSELOR.” Every now and then, a politician comes on the scene who possesses, according to some, messiah-like qualities. Whether it’s a reference to speaking ability, charisma, or wisdom, it’s certainly a compliment. However, when you compare the greatest social or political leader with Jesus Christ, you’ll find there is no comparison at all. During His incarnation, Christ demonstrated His wisdom as a counselor. He always knew what to say, when to reach out to a seeking heart and when to rebuke. Even His enemies testified, “Never did a man speak the way this man speaks” (John 7:46). Our politicians turn everywhere for counsel. But the King of Kings keeps His own counsel. The Messiah is the Wonderful Counselor because He is God, the source of truth. When He rules the earth, there will be no uncertainty in His administration. He is the ultimate and only true answer to political confusion. This WONDERFUL COUNSELOR is at your fingertips every day.., 24/7. The Bible says, “IF YOU NEED WISDOM – AND IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT GOD WANTS YOU TO DO – ASK HIM, AND HE WILL GLADLY TELL YOU. HE WILL NOT RESENT YOU’RE ASKING.” (James 1:5 NLT) “FOR A CHILD WILL BE BORN TO US, A SON WILL BE GIVEN TO US; AND THE GOVERNMENT WILL REST ON HIS SHOULDERS; AND HIS NAME WILL BE CALLED WONDERFUL COUNSELOR…”. Isaiah 9:6 Pastor Carnes
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 08:03:21 +0000

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