THE HOPLITE OF THE HEAVENLIES PART 2 OF 2 By Dr. A. J. RODDY Dress up in Gods panoply, Eph.6:11. The emphasis is not upon the English word whole. The word panoply means whole Armor; for what Hoplite (foot-soldier) would consider going to war with only part of his Armor? This is a war against a master schemer intent upon wrecking the life of the Man of the Heavenlies, the Heavenly Hoplite, as he goes about his walk. Satan, nor demon, cannot touch the life seated jointly with Christ in the heavenlies but he will contest the victory claim to the end that the life he cannot touch be rendered as ineffectual as possible. It is not rewards that are disputed but the usefulness of a persons life for Christ. Each of these epithets, Eph.6:12, Principalities, Authorities, World Tyrants of this Darkness, Spirits of Super mundane Wickedness in battle dress - they march, but you are not told to march, you are not told to fight. You are told to be dressed in Gods panoply so as to be able yourself to stand. This is repeated for this reason pick up Gods panoply, so that you may be able to withstand in the day, the Evil One, and having done all things thoroughly to be able to stand decisively there, Eph.6:13. If one strips away the imagery of physical Armour the panoply consists of Truth, Righteousness, the Gospel of Peace, the Faith, and the Word of God. Satans warfare is against these issues. Before the Heavenly Hoplite takes his stand upon these ramparts he does the girding ... putting on ... binding under the feet (the sandals) ... picking up. After the hoplite has done all these, he then takes his stand. Only the praying is present, 6:18, as though timeless, characterizing every act of the soldier. Thus, the warfare of the heavenlies is bounded by the command ever to submit to the empowering and ever to be praying in every season in spirit. Praying for whom? For all the saints. They too are heavenly hoplites; and they too take their stand. Ever praying, for whom? And for me ... Ah! for thee, Paul? Bound in chains, gazing perhaps upon the Roman soldier to whose wrists thou art chained, whose very Armour may have given thee the figures for these passages; for thee Paul, who despite chains and prisons art none the less a heavenly hoplite of God? And, why pray for thee? Wouldst thou be free of thy chains? Wouldst thou be free of thy prison? Ah, hear him, this great soldier-saint: and for me, that to me may be granted utterance, in opening my mouth (not these prison doors), with boldness to make known the Mystery of the Good News, for the sake of which I GROW OLD IN MY CHAINS (for this is the meaning of I am an ambassador that I may speak freely in it, as indeed I must speak. Hast thou no scar? No hidden scar on foot, or side, or hand? I hear thee sung as mighty in the land. I hear them hail thy bright, ascendant star. Hast thou no scar? Hast thou no wound? Yet I was wounded by the archers, spent, Leaned me against a tree to die: and rent By ravening beasts that compassed me, I swooned: Hast thou no wound? No wound? No scar? Yet, as the Master shall the servant be, And pierced are the feet that follow me; But thine are whole ... can he have traveled far Who has no wound or scar? By: Amy Carmichael Dr. A. J. Roddy Hoplite, Gr., hoplites - tool or weapon, a heavily armed soldier. A.J.R. Satan is not Omnipotent, Omnipresent, nor Omniscient. Demon activity crested in crisis in view of Christs impending death and resurrection. Curiously, demons used Christs rightful titles. Mt,8:28,29; Lk.4:33,34. Demon activity is within the realm of Satans pseudo- Ministers of Righteousness, 2 Cor.11:13-15. R.H.S. =============== THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Those of us who have been rescued from the domain of darkness can bring a little bit of heaven to earth when we are willing to demonstrate the power of God’s unique approach to life. Even in our moments of weakness and vulnerability, we are given opportunities to demonstrate the power and strength of God’s forgiveness by showing His love for our enemies. —Joe Stowell Ephesians 3:17-19 graceandthetruth
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 05:29:37 +0000

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