~THE KEY TO #PARADISE~ And I said him, “Oh Abu Al-Yazeed, - TopicsExpress


~THE KEY TO #PARADISE~ And I said him, “Oh Abu Al-Yazeed, tonight is the holy day(ceremony of christians). So make Wudu(ablution) and go to them in their monastery and you will see from ALLAH’s wisdom ‘Ajdaba’(a wonder)”. So Abu Al-Yazeed made wudu and went and entered the monastery in the city of Basra(in Iraq). When the pope stood up and address them, He said “I cannot speak or preach because a Muhammadi Man(Muslim) has entered our monastery.” So they asked, “How do you know that a Muhammadi(Muslim) is sitting amongst us?” The pope answered, the marks of them(of their faith) are on their faces(foreheads) from traces of their prostration. When the pope pointed to Abu Al-Yazeed and said to him, “Get out of here”. Abu Al-Yazeed replied, By ALLAH(swearing) I will not get out until ALLAH judges between me and you and He’s the best of Judges”. So the pope said we will ask you some questions, If you answer all of them correctly, we will believe in you Prophet BUT if you get one question wrong then you will leave this monastery carried on our shoulders(killed). Abu Al-Yazeed replied, ask whatever you wish. The pope then asked : 1. What is the One that has no second? 2. What are the two that have no third? 3. What are the three that have no fourth? 4. What are the four that have no fifth? 5. What are the six that have no seventh? 6. What are the five that have no sixth? 7. What are the seven that have no eighth? 8. What are the eight that have no ninth? 9. What are the nine that have no tenth? 10. What are the ten that accept increase? 11. Who are the eleven brothers? 12. What is the Miracle that consists of twelve things? 13. Who is the family of thirteen? 14. What are the fourteen things that spoke to Allah? 15. What is the grave that moved with its body in it? 16. What is the thing that breathed but has no soul? 17. What is the thing that Allah created and said it is mighty(great)? 18. What is the thing that Allah created and renounced? 19. What are the things that were created without a father and mother? 20. Who are the Ones who lied and they will enter Paradise? 21. Who are the people who were truthful but will enter hell fire? 22. What is the meaning of, “Wathariyati tharwa, Walhamilati wiqra, Waljariyati yusra, Walmuqassimati amra”? 23. What is the tree that consists of twelve branches, in each branch thirty leaves, and each leaf five fruits…. three of them in darkness and two of them in light? Then it was said, Answer oh Abu Al-Yazeed and ALLAH put the feeling of peace and tranquility in his(Abu Al-Yazeed) heart. And he said. . . . As for #1.The One that has no second it is, ALLAH He is One.[Quran 112:1]. #2. The two that have no third are the Day & Night.[Quran 17:1]. #3. The three that have noo fourth are the excuses of Prophet Moses(PBUH) to Al-Khidr (i).When they had embarked on the Ship (Al-Khidr) tore it open. (ii).When they met a boy, (Al-Khidr) killed him. (iii).When they came to the people of a town, they asked it’s people for food. (Al-Khidr) said, “This is the parting between me and you.[Story of Surah Al-Kahf]. #4. The four that have no fifth are, (i)The Torah, (ii)The Psalms, (iii)The Gospel, (iv)The Quran. #5. The five that have no sixth are, five obligatory prayers that ALLAH prescribed each day and night. #6. The six that have no seventh, “And certainly We created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days and there touched Us not any fatigue”. [Quran 50:38]. #7. The seven that have no eighth , “He Who created the seven heavens one above another” [Quran 67:3]. #8. The eight that have no ninth, “And the angels are at it’s edges and they will bear the Throne of your Lord above them, that day Eight(of them) [Quran 69:17]. #9. The ten that have no tenth are, Moses’s (PBUH) nine Miracles. (i) The Hand, (ii) The Staff, (iii) Splitting of the Sea in Two, (iv) Drought, (v) Flood, (vi) Locusts, (vii) Lice, (viii) Frogs, (ix) Blood. #10.The ten that accepts increasing, “Whoever comes (On the Day of Judgment) with a good deed will have ten times the like of it and ALLAH gives manifold to whom He wills”. #11. “When Joseph(PBUH) said to his father, Oh father indeed I’ve seen (in a dream) eleven stars”. The Brothers of Joseph(PBUH). #12. The Miracle that consists of 12 things, “And when Moses(PBUH) prayed for drink for his people, We said: ‘Strike the rock with your staff.’ So there gushed from it Twelve Springs. [Quran] #13. The family of thirteen, “And the Sun and the Moon, I saw them prostrating to me.” So 11 Brothers and a Sun and Moon, meaning a Father and Mother. A family of thirteen. #14. The fourteen things that spoke to ALLAH are, the seven Heavens and the seven earths and He completed them as seven heavens within two days. Then ALLAH said to the Seven heavens and seven earths “Come(into being) willing or by compulsion”. They said “We have come Willingly”. [Quran] #15. The grave that moved with it’s body in it, Is Prophet Jonah(PBUH) in the belly of the whale. “Then the fish(whale) swallowed him, while he was blameworthy.” [Quran] #16. The thing that breathed but it has no soul, “And by the dawn when it breathes” [Quran] #17. The thing that ALLAH created and said it was mighty(major) is the plot of women. “Verily mighty is your plot(women).” [Quran] #18. The thing that ALLAH created and renounced is the sound of donkey. “Indeed, the most disagreeable of sounds is the voice of donkeys.” [Quran] #19. The things that ALLAH created without a father and a mother are, Adam(PBUH), Angels, Prophet Ismail’s(PBUH) replacement sacrifice(the Sheep), and Prophet Saleh’s(PBUH) she camel. #20. The Brothers of Prophets Joseph(PBUH). “And they came to their father at night, weeping and they said to their father, The wolf ate him(Joseph{PBUH}) and despite this Joseph(PBUH) said to them, “ALLAH will forgive you, He’s the most Merciful of the Merciful.” [Quran] #21. “And the jews say the christians to follow nothing(True), and the christians say the jews to follow nothing(True).” [Quran] #22. Wathariyati tharwa is the Wind, Walhamilati wiqra “And those (clouds) carrying a load (of water)”, Waljariyati yusra “And those (ships) sailing with ease”, Walmuqassimati amra “And those (Angels) who distribute (provisions, rain and other blessings ) by (ALLAH’s) command. #23. The tree that consists of 12 branches, in each branch 30 leaves, and each leaf 5 fruits…. 3 of them in darkness and 2 of them in light; As for the Tree it is a Year, It has 12 branches meaning 12 months, In each branch 30 leaves meaning 30 days, In each leaf 5 fruits meaning 5 obligation prayers, 3 of them in darkness (Fajr, Maghrib, Ishaa) and 2 of them in light (Dhuhr and Asr). Then Abu Al-Yazeed said to the people, I only have one question so do answer it. The pope said, Ask oh Abu Al-Yazeed. Abu Al-Yazeed asked, “WHAT IS THE KEY OF PARADISE?” The pope stood silently, quietly and not moving. So the christians around him said to him, “you ask him all these questions and he answers you, and he asks you ONE question and you cannot answer him?!” The pope replied, “By ALLAH(swearing), I know the answer with firm knowledge but I’m afraid of you(christians around). Then they(christians) replied, “ANSWER and don’t be afraid. We’ll be with you.” The pope stood up and said, “THE KEY TO PARADISE IS, THERE IS NO DEITY WORTHY OF WORSHIP BUT ALLAH and MUHAMMAD(PBUH) IS THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH”.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 14:20:32 +0000

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