(THE RIGHT QUESTION) And God said unto him, Because thou hast - TopicsExpress


(THE RIGHT QUESTION) And God said unto him, Because thou hast asked this thing, and hast not asked for thy self long life; neither hast asked riches for thy self nor hast asked the life of thine enemies, but hast asked for thy self understanding to discern judgment; Behold I have done according to thy words: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart ... And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches, and honour ... And Solomon awoke; and, behold, it was a dream. (I KINGS 3:11-15) We see what we want to see; we dream the dreams of the depths of our hearts; and we can do nothing less or more, but walk the walk and talk the talk for which our souls are programmed by the way in which we live. Solomons hearts desire was to be able to discern good and bad in order to lead the people, and his desire was manifested in his dream. This pleased God, because what Solomon visualized he would do was the very heart of God. We all have dreams, desires, and a visual idea of what we want to do in this life; but, have we asked The Right Question? People make billions of dollars in music, drama, books, media, internet, and all sorts of things, with the huge troubles all over the world, but do these worldly desires and accomplishments have eternal value? Are the billions being made off of movies doing anything for the souls of men? You may be the one to produce, write or direct the movie about the Book of Acts that shakes the world for Jesus Christ our Lord. You may write the song that draws all men to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You may write the book that stirs mankind to kneeling repentance. It could be You that turns the world upside down for Jesus Christ; but, have you, or for that matter, have WE asked Almighty God The Right Question? There are still people like King Solomon, the Apostle Paul, Deborah, Moses, Peter, Simeon and Anna, Queen Esther, King David, and then, there are those like Judas ... They may be living under a lonely dark bridge somewhere, sleeping in their cars, or they live in other countries and other nations, or the worst thought of all ... they may have been tragically aborted. Every human being has worth! You may have the unique mighty characteristics of the greatest people who ever lived ... but, Youve made the wrong choices in life. Its not too late; climb aboard the Vision train, and let Almighty God be Your Engineer. All it takes is repenting of your sins, deeply and sincerely, being baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues as the Spirit of God gives us the utterance. Then ... Youre ready! to ask the Lord THE question ... Deborah was the only female judge, and the only judge to be called a prophet. Deborah was a decisive figure in the defeat of the canaanites, told in a prose narrative in Judges and an ancient song known as the Song of Deborah. Deborah is identified as eshet lappidot, which may mean woman of torches, or fiery woman. Maybe, Youre a Deborah ... What would Deborah ask Almighty God? Priscilla and Aquila. Aquila was a Jew born and raised in Pontus on the Black Sea coast of Asia Minor. He was a convert to Christ, possibly having heard the gospel from the Christians present at Pentecost (ACTS 2:9). He was a business man who made and traded leather. For reasons unknown, he immigrated to far away Rome. There, he met and married Priscilla, and together they became stalwart members of the Church in Rome, and they lived there nine years. In 49 AD, Emperor Claudius issued an edict expelling all Jews from Rome, so Priscilla and Aquila moved to Corinth, where they met the Apostle Paul. In 52 AD, they moved with Paul to Ephesus. Later, Paul went on to Syria, leaving Priscilla and Aquila in charge of the ministry; they started a church in their home. One day, they heard of a man named Apollos, who was preaching in the synagogue. He was a learned man, but his doctrine was in error, for he only knew of the baptism of John. Aquila and Priscilla recognized this and invited him to their home, where they explained the scriptures more perfectly, and the correct method of baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (ACTS 19). Oh, the importance of the home ministry, the coffee table Bible study, the home Upper Room; perhaps You are an Aquila or Priscilla ...Ordinary people can do extraordinary things, when their Vision lines up with the Ultimate Visionary, Jesus Christ our Lord! You say, Well, Priscilla and Aquila were just witnessing. Yes, and THAT, my dear brothers and sisters, really is quite extraordinary! We can be writers, singers, preachers, producers, celebrities, inventors, nobel prize winners, but theres only one earthly action that the Angels desire to look into ... That is: When a soul is won to Christ and is being filled with the Holy Spirit and fire, and speaking in tongues! If we are looking at earth through the eyes of Jesus Christ in this day and time, what is The Right Question? (SHALOM)
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 11:30:36 +0000

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