**THE ROYAL TIES** #EIGHT My face was clouded with suprise, - TopicsExpress


**THE ROYAL TIES** #EIGHT My face was clouded with suprise, couldnt believe my eyes. Who would have thought, my enstrange guest will end up being my redeemer in the throes of love, housing poor patients of love like myself, whose offence is nothing, but loving deeply and whole heartedly. My world was turning into a fairy tale before my own eyes. Hhmm! I heave a mild sigh of relief. Then, I tried to calculate the events for that day. How come she fell for me? Was that why she stayed back for the wedding? Was that why she even followed me to the hospital? What was she actually doing in Frankfurt? Or could it be someone out there is playing me? I kept on trying to fix the jigsaw. Then I was distracted in my thoughts, when a huge man patted me in my shoulder, my heart auricles raised its vibration, coz he was looking like an assasin, a dreaded one at that. I raised my head up, only to recognised the man to be the Princess bondsman. The exact one who drove me to the Cathedral in the black tinted Mini-limo. There was a half smile on his face, like a dim crescent, I look at the direction of his right hand, it was a signal that informs me, he would be responsible for my well being. I returned his smile roughly. Then together we left the woods. Ah! This is getting so interesting, although had never been to the Central Royal Palace in Berlin, but I had eaten the most protective fruit therefrom. oh! Life is a paradox of suprise in itself , I smile out deeply. Two days later, I set out for Berlin. Just like I had expected, I was taken to Berlin (although not Witout my consent) in golden sedan, royal private Jet, and was received from the air port with a Royal Rolls Royce Limousine. Just like I dreamt it all. My betrothed; dressed in a ritzy silky sleeveless white gown, her long blonde hair; shining like gold, competing with the sun, hung around her shoulders in ringlets, and she came out herself to welcome me into the Central Royal Palace. The palace floor was aesthetically built with persian tiles, the furnitures were made-up from cedar ordered directly from lebanon. The roof was an interior Asian roofing sheets made in Dubai. The court was wide and big like two olympic arenas merged into one; with orchads and elegantly shaped boulevard, filled with security agents and Palace guards; nothing is ever done unnoticed there, with the many eyes of CCTV cameras gossiping to the Palace Central Security Intelligence. I held her hands and we walked majesticaly into the Palace ballroom; where I was supposed to be officially welcomed with regards to strict German tradition. I realized as we walked closely, that she was certainly not the lass I met in the park in Frankfurt. Or Could it be for her ritzy appearance, No! Am no patsy! And I cant be easily deluded; I said to myself, I may not be born to royalty or better still with silver spoon. But good heavens I was opportuned via scholarship to graduate from an Ivy- League College, and from a noble profession at that. No! Ooo I cant marry you I said aloud, realising myself..as I fling her hands off, not minding the consequences. COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 11:34:24 +0000

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