THE SCIENCE OF TYRANNY (the sky is falling,,,the sky is - TopicsExpress


THE SCIENCE OF TYRANNY (the sky is falling,,,the sky is falling). by Dave OldClown (Notes) on Sunday, January 13, 2013 at 6:57pm ... The most dangerous people are always those who have convinced themselves that they are absolutely unquestionably right. I’m not really sure of anything. I’m searching for the truth, and that not altogether to vigorously. And as is my habit oftimes, compelled by fits of delusional vanity, I have taken it upon myself to express an opinion. You know I looked into the matter myself and I think that the scientific evidence states pretty clearly that the temperature of the earth has gradually increased over the last half century or so. It’s a very slight increase, but a tiny change in the temperature of the earth could make huge changes to the very face of the planet. And, there is no good case to be made for not trying to limit, indeed prohibit the wanton defilement of the environment. This is, for the most part, a very nice planet, and we should be doing everything we can to take care of it. And even as we speak politicians and scientist are working together to devise and implement policies that will save the planet. We stand at the brink. We have got to do something now. Hearken back a few Millennia, to a nameless forest anywhere in ..Western Europe.., where stood a low mound of earth amidst a primitive arrangement of huge stones. Upon this mound appears the withered form of an ancient priest. A man tormented, in his anguish he cries out. “You have offended the gods. They demand a sacrifice. If tomorrow at this time you do not return here with the very best of your fields and your flocks along with the choicest virgins of the village I will blot out the sun. And you will perish in darkness. Some dutifully comply others skeptically shrug and ignore it. Others are panic stricken and run about the village urging, persuading, and coercing everyone to do there part to appease the angry gods. Twenty-four hours later a similar crowd gathers around the same low mound were stands the same withered ancient. Today his minions stand about him, all garbed in the priestly apparel of their ancient order. As soon as some semblance or order is brought to the assembly again speaks the priest. “Do you think you can fool the gods? Do you think you can turn his wrath with these paltry crumbs?” He begins to convulse as he is gripped in some kind of supernatural fit. He starts to babble and drool, he pulls out his hair and tears at his clothes. The priest around him are seized upon in similar fashion. They stagger around ranting and raving, they pick up sharp stones and begin to cut themselves. As he blood begins to flow the entire crowd notices, almost at the same instant, that a shadow has begun to roll across the sun. The priest begin to weep and morn while everyone present is seized with a sense of dread, as the day disappears into complete darkness. The people promise to repent, they pledge themselves to do what ever the gods require if only the curse be lifted. The ancient priest, moved by their cries, appeals to the gods and as he does, the sun, as if on cue, begins its reappearance. What if you were in control of the Earths supply of oil, and had grown comfortable using it as a lever to manipulate the worlds economy to your advantage? What if you realized that you were losing your grip on this control. As developing nations aquired and developed their own means for finding and extracting oil? What if there is actually a lot more oil out there than we have been led to believe? (Guess what they just found down in ....Brazil....?) What if the only way for you to maintain your control over the Earths economy was to convince people to stop using oil? How would you do it? What if science has long known of the direct correlation between the advent of solar flares and the temperature of the earth? (As indeed they have known for some time.) In fact there was a lull in solar activity from about 1645 to about 1715 that scientist have labeled the little ice age or the Maunder Minimum. What if there has been a gradual increase in this kind of solar activity over the last half century or so? (As indeed there has been.) Wouldn’t this be an important factor in any debate about climate change? Why is the scientific community trying to control which facts are introduced into the current debate? Hearken back a few centuries. Again to ..Western Europe.., again to a priest who holds sway over a powerful theocracy. This time the people are gathered together to witness judgment passed on a sinner who has offended the gods. His crime? Suggesting that the Earth is round. Mainstream science accepts without question that the Earth is flat. And the introduction of theories suggesting otherwise is heresy. The punishment, burning at the stake. Again, I say, we should be doing everything in our power to stop polluting our planet. It is simply a matter of common sense. (Even a pig won’t shit where it sleeps.) But the very industrialists who are most responsible for the most rapacious degradation of our environment are the ones who stand to gain the most by forcing us to change the way we use energy and the type of energy we use. The prophets of doom have gathered again. The end is near they cry. Unless we come with sacrifices to appease the angry gods the sky will surely fall. But then again what do I know.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 13:06:00 +0000

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