***.....THE SENATE OF SHAME....*** The Nigerian Senate has - TopicsExpress


***.....THE SENATE OF SHAME....*** The Nigerian Senate has once again displayed the highest level of stupidity by the way and manner they voted rousingly in favour of girl child marriage. The senate which is suppose to comprisep of people of high moral rectitude and serious worth,turned out to be the shadow of itself.Senator Yerima in the first place lacks the moral personality to hide under Islam for moving such a motion,is he sincerely a good muslim? As a muslim,has he been able to observe the islamic tenents of helping the poor? What bequest can his people claim of him? Instead of legislating for the way forward for the country,the senate spent valuable time discussing sterotype and insignificant issue.what the girl child wants is education not bed,what she wants is pen not penis,what she wants is a better future with a husband of her dream not an ailing future with her father as a husband.she wants book not you sucking her boobs now.It is luguberiously bad that people like Sen Yerima who have sent their children to Malaysia and Uk for good education can still muster energy to predict this woeful future for other Nigerians.The senate has shown us that it does not have any good plan for Nigerians.Which Senator will allow his daughter at Age 6 to be married out and if such exist,I challenge same to come out to say here Iam.They want the poor to continue to grow poorer so that their children will continue to lord it over them.The Senate President is from my zone,would he ever allow his daughter to even see a man at age 10? Please,let us rise up against these people because they do not want our future,they always hide under religion to carry out evils so that you and I will be fighting a sentiment guided war foolishly.Wise up Nigerians and let us go to the street.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 10:13:51 +0000

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