THE TIME IS UP : I, HON. ONYENEHO V. I STRATEGY after duely consulting my Executives and State Cordinators on this day 6th of April 2014 uses this medium to resign my position as the South East Chairman APC Youth Frontier, I want to thank the party for giving me the opportunity so far to serve and also wishing them well in their endeavours. Many may ask why? Which is going to be detailed: Irrespective of various propagandas or accusation against the party as a Muslim party which is false and normal to say in a political terraine, but going down to my state I am realy dissapointed with the more you look the less you see Government although I will not go into details. Again South East as a zone has a bad impression about the party, we all see what happened in Anambra state and beyond but again I am from Ezinihitte Mbaise, Owerri zone in Imo state and I know my brothers in the zone has adopted one party and I would want to unite with them for the struggle ahead. Hebrew 12 vs 1:says As for us, we have this large crowd of witnessess round us. So then, lets us rid ourselves of everything that get in the way, and of the sin which holds on to us so tightly, and let us run with determination the race that lies before us its self explanatary. Again when we talk of change, change it should be entirely a new different thing but APC as a party failed to recognize the fact and brought in bad eggs to the Party before joining APC I was the then Chairman Students Arm in Imo State and coutsey demand I have to join the merger not until we accepted some persons that set the party on a time bomb. We see the activities of the party different from the message the party is preaching as a propeller or an advocate of democracy, you must be democratic in nature living an examplinary life not telling people different thing and act otherwise that is deceit and fraud. The inability of the party to administer internal justice, has created fears, as to how the party can administer justice to the entire nation since the rule of law was tampered with in the sence that when we give a resolution that Governors are leaders of the Party in their state but it was agreed & toiled it for instance in Lagos state we have Gov.Fashola but the man that served before him is in charge & speaks for virtually the South West, again in Kwara state where a Governor & a Senator defected into a party and The Senator was picked to handle the party which caused chaos even in Imo, Adamawa and Rivers state where the originators where not regarded, so APC is on a time bomb definently. Again the Interim National Youth leader has failed to accept and implement good policies to move the party forward, no inovation and so on, lacks the guts to represent, instead he saw all advice as a threat to his position, He has also been hijaked in the decisions to be made at the National conference. Now coming down to South East the party lacks the Grass root mobilization especially in my state Imo state or the good people of Owerri zone where people were forced to register. While in APC Youth Frontier, we had a Patron which we solely admire in the person of Gen. Buba Marwa Rtd the former military Governor of Bornu & Lagos also a CPC Governorship Aspirant in Adamawa State, who has now defected to its PDP, gave us his reaons where his followers were denied from being registered in the APC this action calls for rethink and as a Youth that believes in Justice, fairness and equity we consider frivolous to fold our hands, close our eyes to this abnormality. Again down to my LGA where I have Barr. Vitalis Ogbonna former LGA Chairman of Ezinihitte also went back to PDP, this are men I admire knowing the right time to leave matters a lot in our game called politics although I have never been a PDP member before but in life We all want progress, but if youre on the wrong road, progress means doing a U-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive. Prior to the above summarized points and going contrary to our expectations, More facts will be said by me in vocals because I cant write all but I have highlighted the major points. On this note I want to Notify the General Public on behalf of the APC Youth Frontier in South East that denounce being a part of APC and we the APC Youth Frontier from the National body has decided on this day 6th November 2014 at its emergency meeting held in Abuja and the APC Frontier after the press conference that will be viewed in Channels, NTA and AIT by 8pm news today and 7th of April 2014, 8am and 10 news papers across the country and we all agreed synanymously & jointly accept the PDP fold, I am joining my new fold with over 15,000 members in the 5 states of South East and over 128,000 members in other regions all together it was less in the am time but got this amount in the noon time after a platform data base of defection was raised online. We will always protect the interest of the people. I want to also inform my friends that there is no bitter politics for the fact I left APC dont make us enemies because I realy had good friends from PDP while in APC. I wish you all well in your endeavors. I want to also inform my brothers and youths of the ise nation that this is now a cause and opportunity for us to re-unite. I do this for the interest of my people, my state and my country at large. Note that I, Hon.Strategy joining PDP did not say its the best party or a party for saints but rather I see it as a platform to unite with my people. Ill not fail to recognize a good candidate from any political party because I stand for the truth rather my party activities will be channeled to the PDP. I only and will stand for fairness at all times because after this Earth well be answerable to the Most high.... Thanks you Great people. The faith is still alive. Long live Imo State! Long live Nigeria!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 18:24:08 +0000

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