. ☆ THE TRUTH , RELEASE AND LIGHTING ... CAN NOT BE REACHED THROUGH OTHERS ... ☆ The man has depended on since time immemorial of a guru , a religion or a book to show you the way . Krishnamurti has said that truth is a pathless land ... and no guru , no way , no belief , no book can lead to it. You have to be your own light and not seek the light of others. The role of the Guru is only to point out , is the individual himself who has to learn. And the ability to learn is far more important than the ability to teach . In this change , no one can really teach anyone anything . Each of us has to find the truth for himself and one must begin with the knowledge of himself. Without understanding how our own thought process and conditioning one has acquired from our own experiences , traditions , culture, religion , etc. . One can not find the true answer to any serious question. Our beliefs, our opinions , conclusions , prejudices prevent us from seeing things in their true perspective because they color our vision. One should be aware of this fact and be suspicious of any opinion, any conclusion that comes to mind since it may not represent the truth . When one questions that way , with the intention of seeking the truth and not merely seek satisfaction , learning occurs . And one must live with that search and questioning , wondering and doubting throughout our lives , without seeking to arrive . What one can receive from another is a thought, a question, but exploration has to be on our own . Unless you find yourself the truth is not the truth for you , is only a description of the truth . Thats the difference between Buddha and Buddhist philosophy professor . The first is a revelation (insight ) real consciousness, the last only has a description of it . The man often confuses the symbol , the word , the concept with the real thing . A true Christian is one who lives with the Sermon on the Mount (and you can only do that if you have the awareness of Christ ) , not the man who joins a church and did all kinds of rituals. A true Buddhist is one who participates in the consciousness of Buddha, which reflects the Buddhist church . All churches , all religious organizations have achieved great truth only reduce to a mere system , a symbol, a ritual. What matters is not the dress , etiquette, but the content of consciousness within us. The role of a teacher ( Guru ) is the lamp on the way ( lead the way ) . One should not sit to worship the lamp, one must walk the path to find the truth . * Krishnamurti.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 17:05:52 +0000

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