> > THE UGLY FACE OF ‘MODERATE’ EXTREMISM > > > > > - TopicsExpress


> > THE UGLY FACE OF ‘MODERATE’ EXTREMISM > > > > > Campbell Newman: “Don’t be alarmed, visit mosques to express your > solidarity.” > > > > Tony Abbott: “This is not about religion or what you wear. Almost all > Muslims are absolutely first-class Australians and upstanding members of the > community.” > > > > > The vast majority of Australians are confounded as to why their politicians > are failing to apportion blame to the teachings of Islam; well, there are > two reasons why and both are fast wearing thin. > > The first is an electoral one. Islam has been able to skew up to 20 Federal > seats in Labor’s favour and the Coalition is fearful of their success in > more. > > > > Why is Labor the party of preference for Islam? That’s an easy one: social > benefits. > > > Muslims are mostly unemployable, they pray five times a day, take Friday > arvos off to listen to Mullahs promote our demise and have made an art-form > of rorting welfare systems world-wide. This leaves them with plenty of time > on their hands to plot their hosts’ destruction. > > First thing a Muslim immigrant did on arrival is call the local friendly > Islamic doc. and got himself on a disability pension. His disability is > usually no more an aversion to work. Then he needed to get his wives and > nine kids here, family reunions are an Islamic gold mine. > > Now he needs to apply for housing somewhere near all the other Muslim > families and this is where it gets interesting. The mother(s) of his kids > apply to Child Welfare authorities complaining of not being able to care for > the children and she needs assistance, but she has this terrific idea... > “there’s a lady up the road who would make a wonderful carer, and guess > what? She is my sister and she already knows the children.” Ya can’t get > better than that eh? > > So now, on paper at least, the sister up the road is bedevilled by 18 kids > and needs to offload 9 of them so she complains to child welfare that she > too can’t cope, “but there’s another lady up the road who would make a > wonderful carer...”. Get the idea? I mean the Government hands over $200 per > child, per week, in this merry-go-round of welfare fraud and everyone’s > happy. > > By the time this scam goes up and down just one western Sydney street there > are financially secure Islamic families everywhere, and all on a total of at > least $3,000 a week! Why wouldn’t Australia be their port of preference? > > But why aren’t they caught defrauding the system? Well, that has a simple > answer too. They swap their cars and swap their names... Muslims have > multiple names to defraud authorities anyway. And if the authorities try to > clamp down on the scam there’s always a friendly Islam sympathetic solicitor > who will recommend some free legal aid. In the meantime > > nothing has changed in the street except the level of social benefits has > skyrocketed. > > > > The Federal welfare budget has now exploded at the expense of needy Aussies. > > > > The other reason politicians fail to blame Islam is that the last thing they > want is to get mainstream Islam offside. They hope to get “moderate” Muslims > to cooperate in catching “radical” Muslims. How naive. How bloody stupid. > How damned dangerous! The Lakemba protesters complaining last night of the > police raids are about as “moderate” as Muslims get. > > The most radical of Muslims are their leaders. Muslims will never integrate. > We can keep trying to guess who wants to behead us until we get it wrong or > misread some “chatter” and by then it’s too late. > > We can refuse to learn from the Islamic disasters in France, Belgium, the UK > and the Netherlands, or we can do something about the scourge now. > > 1 Stop building mosques. > 2 Stop Islamic immigration. > 3 Ban insidious Sharia law. > 4 Stop the welfare rorts. > 5 Arrest those who incite violence. > 6 Stop the Halal certification extortion racket that most likely finances > their terrorist activities and, > 7 Stop the PC and 18C nonsense that exhibits our weakness and emboldens > Islam’s worst. > > Australians in general are not rednecks but we are well and truly over it. > We want our leaders to act like leaders before some little girl is found > raped, beheaded and hanging by one leg from an Australian flagpole. > > > >
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:40:11 +0000

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