★THE VOICE OF THE EARLY CHURCH★ ★THE JOY OF CHASTISEMENT-Part 2★ ★Text-Hebrews 12: 7-8★ 7 IF YOU ENDURE CHASTENING, GOD DEALS WITH YOUR AS CHILDREN, FOR WHAT SON IS THERE WHOM A FATHER DOES NOT CHASTEN? 8 BUT IF YOU ARE WITHOUT OF WHICH ALL HAVE BECOME PARTAKERS, THEN YOU ARE ILLEGITIMATE AND NOT SONS. The chastening of the Lord as we all know is in His Word, His Word to us His children, though very hard, the Word is meant to be a kind of a rod (Psalm 23:4) to beat us into line as we love to stray away at every bend. Unfortunately in todays Christianity, we love to be called Gods children, but children without chastening! The state of the church today tell the story. We, unlike in the past, no longer endure reproof, corrections nor instructions that leads to righteousness, and readily equipped for good works. (2 Tim 3 :16) In todays gathering we call church, hardly can one differentiate it between an opera centre or a mere social gathering. Sometimes you will wonder whether people in their right senses were thinking that God was looking for those with latest gussi design from Italy among His people as we have turned the Sunday service into a time to showcase our best of vanity and worldliness that money can buy. Even pastors, with greed written all over their faces will be running and falling over to get the attention of the crooked church moneybags, put them in positions to allow a share of the wealth of the proud, whos heart is yet far from the touch of the Lord. The above text says, if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers then you are illegitimate and not sons Hey! Do you understand that? Do you still indulge in sin and yet pretend that all is well? All have become partakers of lawlessness, ungodliness, all manners of disobedience in the house of God! Even the so called workers, ministers, we all run after money anyway anyhow, serving mammon, and the Word of God no longer seems to have enough power to put us in check! The true meaning of the text above is; WE ARE NO LONGER WORTHY CHILDREN, BUT BASTARDS. If you like say do not judge But I will tell you that there is no other judge than the Word. Conclusion on Friday by His grace, Happy new month and a nice day to you.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 05:31:04 +0000

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