#THEHANGRYGAMES - this will probably become a post on the website. - TopicsExpress


#THEHANGRYGAMES - this will probably become a post on the website. So got home last night and read that thread that wont die. And this is the last time I will bring up about these bozos. The attached pic from about 2 weeks back was posted on the other page by me about their behaviour but the topic was about buying fake followers on instagram; which wasnt even about them but they came up as someone else mentioned them and their behaviour. And of course, I knew who it was. Everyone should be aware by now of what theyre doing. Note how they were following over 6000, 4800 then 2500 and now under under 300 (and just about any PR company they can find). Their excuse/apology reads like its sincere because of the phrasing, emphatic bleating and the language but it really is not. Because it is backpedalling and nonsensical anyhow as they conveniently sidestep the central thing here: besides the overt, invasive follow/unfollow strategy (which is its own problem) employed, their post does not explain why they follow a whole bunch of randoms, and when I say randoms, I really do mean randoms. A whole lot of randoms at that too - 6000+ and then it kept going up and down. I guess if you click on #followforfollow and follow everyone that shows up. Or go to some followings/follower section and click on all the +s. So these people are the ones who will followback because thats what these people are after. Thats how you grow bullshit followers. 5 weeks for 5800? Right.... Everyone here has seen Simons image of their following count which go up and down over a timeline. (here: https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10153356355851531&set=p.10153356355851531&type=1&theater). Even their rational for unfollow reeks After we grew our following base from the Sydney community, we unfollowed a whole bunch of people and started the process all over again. Do you want to follow someone that doesnt care to genuinely follow you?? Instagram has a limit of 60 requests/hour. To follow, unfollow the OG 6000+ its 200 hours (or 20 times/session of tapping on the phone). To cull it, its another 100 hours. Why are they even unfollowing people once they get them to follow back? Theres a reason. To create the impression of popularity/influence. Theyre on here specifically crying about tarnished reputation and branding with PR; quite specifically in their post - which is central to the cry for support on here. Our brand is being tarnished - subtext? we might not get invited to events When this thing about them... this thing made public in the 2hangryguy instagram is true. A spoof/parody account only has bite if theres truth in it. In the other post we see their following numbers go right down once Daniel posted that @2hangryguy instagram on here. You could actually see their numbers dropping by the hour as people have observed in that post. We cannot let people see us follow people from Mexico, Jakarta and god knows where else. There was a shoe shop in Indonesia? The very day the instagram post makes it on here, they start culling. If there is no truth, no one will even pay any attention or think its amusing. It should be communicated how dishonest and disingenous these guys have been. It really is that simple. Ive made a lot of friends in this community as well as food and bevo people - our instagram isnt just this relentless stream of food and booze. Theres a lot of people on there too, including bloggers. TKK, Charn, Bianca and Alex have both shown up - with me pimping his photography website - which I had to come home to find the URL for). So yes, on jugs we celebrate the people in this community that do what we do and do them well. If you start from a place of dishonesty, theres really no where to go, well not with me anyhow. Cheerio everyone. This internet beef is being cooked. #cookinginternetBEEF #feellllllings #thumbcramps #exoticskinandleather #socialmediasuicide Ill be seeing the some of you guys at #luncharoundtown where we can talk about this IRL :)
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 22:12:58 +0000

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