********THIS IS A RECENT (but typical) CONVERSATION I HAD WITH A - TopicsExpress


********THIS IS A RECENT (but typical) CONVERSATION I HAD WITH A FEW OF RIGHT-WING FANATICS, COPIED RIGHT FROM THE PAGES. THINK THEY CARE ABOUT PEOPLE? THINK AGAIN. THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT THEMSELVES. PLEASE PASS THESE CONVERSATIONS ON. BELOW THAT IS AN ARTICLE ON A MINNESOTA REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE. THIS IS THE TRUTH ABOUT HOW THEY THINK OF AMERICANS AND WOMEN. The writers are in initials. My name is my response SH - Liberals look out for people they can help with the conservatives money.SH -Liberals are worthless piece of s*** they cant do it on their own so they have to get it from people that can do it on their own PW - Tell me how well the liberal programs have worked out for the millions of inner city poor. Seems to me that these programs have created generations of hopeless individuals who are incapable of even considering pursuing a productive life, let alone know how to. SH -Liberals are the dogs of america. They contribute very little WS - please dont insult dogs... dogs are wonderful creatures!!! PW - One of the very significant transformations of the US, in the last 70 years, is that a *huge* percentage of our population has become dependent upon checks and support from the govt. Tell me how that makes us a stronger nation. A good part of that dependence is SS, but that program still establishes a fundamental state of dependence on the govt. We used to be a country that valued self reliance - that condition of strong, independent individuals made for a strong nation - basically, you could not threaten people with witholding the means to provide for their basics. Businesses have unquestionable been the source of affluence and prosperity in the US - what is the problem with supporting business? Isnt that what most of the infrastructure in the US is about? SH - Someones gonna have to pay for my babies all 17 of them. It dont matter that my husband got thrown in jail for robin a store someones gotta be held accountable for my chillin SHELDON - We pay taxes as well. Its not THE CONSERVATIVES MONEY. That is as asinine a statement as Ive heard. IT IS OUR MONEY. I fought for this country and pay taxes. SS is my insurance I paid into for over 50 years. I paid for my Medicare every month from my paycheck. How do I answer that with a straight face. The top 10% paid over 70%. The other 90% paid 30% of the taxes. You are right. Thats 58% higher. However, the overall income disparity is 91% difference, in favor of the wealthy. The lower 90% (and that include some pretty wealthy people like you S….), on average, make 900 times less money. SH - Sheldon liberals contribute very little to the cause 50 percent of the people in america dont do anything to help kiss my ass SH - The only thing liberals have to contribute to america is a f****** pathetic vote SHELDON - Only WHITE, male property owners should vote, right, S….? My taxes dont need to be paid because it doesnt mean anything? Only the money from the wealthy counts, Right S….t? They’re the ONLY ones working. What if everyone in the lower 50% of the country stopped working for two weeks? Who will do the labor required to operate the country and run it and PROTECT it? Not your friends who only deal in paper. Theyd be out of a job. Because this would be beneath them. The lower half of the country may not contribute saw much as the top 10%, but, they do the work and that is the trade-off. ———————————————- COMMENTS FROM JIM HAGEDORN, (R)- CANDIDATE IN MINNESOTA… In posts from his old blog, Mr. Conservative, unearthed by the Minnesota politics blog Bluestem Prairie, [Minnesota congressional candidate Jim Hagedorn] made light of American Indians, President Obamas Kenyan ancestry, and female Supreme Court justices, among others, in ways many voters wont appreciate. Senator McCains campaign was all but flat lined before he brought the feisty Caribou Barbie into our living rooms, he wrote. Which reminds me, on behalf of all red-blooded American men: THANK YOU SENATOR McCAIN, SARAHS HOT! Not all female politicians were viewed as favorably. In a post, Hagedorn referred to Washington Democratic Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray as undeserving bimbos in tennis shoes. Former Bush White House counsel Harriet Miers, he wrote, had been nominated to fill the bra of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OConnor.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 01:08:23 +0000

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