+++THIS IS NOT A SOLICITATION,BUT AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE THAT GOD WANTS TO TAKE OFF OF THE BENCH+++ ***ONLY SERIOUS RESPOND AND REPLY+++DONT CLICK LIKE WITHOUT READING ABOUT THE OPPORTUNITY*** +++FOR THOSE THAT KNOW THAT THERES A CALLING ON YOUR LIFE,AND HAVE BEEN PRAYING FOR PREPARATION,THIS IS FOR YOU!!!+++I AM LED TO OPEN A NEW CLASS BECAUSE THERE ARE 5 MORE SEATS TO FILL TO COMPLETE 10,in order to fill up Theology Class #3.I PRAISE THE LORD FOR THE MANY THAT HAVE ENROLLED ROM FACEBOOK AND STILL ARE ENROLLING, FOR BECAUSE OF THAT,THE DOOR IS STILL OPEN FOR A LIMITED TIME+++ ***THIS IS AN AFFORDABLE THEOLOGY CLASSES THAT RESULTS IN YOU RECEIVING YOUR LICENSE FOR MINISTRY,SO THAT YOU CAN BE USED BY GOD TO SET UP,SIT OVER AND OPERATE THE MINISTRY THAT HE HAS FOR YOU.THIS MINISTRY HELPS YOU TO INCORPORATE THE MINISTRY THAT GOD GIVES UNTO YOU,OR EVEN ALLOWS YOU TO SIT OVER A BRANCH OF THIS MINISTRY IN YOUR STATE,SHOULD THE LORD PLACE IT IN YOUR SPIRIT TO ASK FOR THAT INSTALLATION*** The Lord has been using this Ministry for 20 years now to cultivate The Gifts of those that He hath CALLED INTO Ministry. TRUE APOSTLES ESTABLISH PEOPLE,NOT BUILDINGS.The problem is that SOME have been trained by MAN and NOT GOD! The way that you can tell the difference is by DOCTRINE.DOCTRINE separates AND unites.It SEPARATES the TRUE FROM THE FALSE and it UNITES ALL THAT FOLLOW THE SAME LEADER. OUR Leader should be JESUS CHRIST!He has ONE Doctrine...HE IS THE WAY,THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE... ANY OTHER WAY is FALSE...ANY OTHER DOCTRINE is FALSE DOCTRINE.God is raising up those that are EQUALLY concerned about WHAT they feed the sheep. TRADITION WILL HINDER SPIRITUAL WARFARE.TRADITION WILL NOT MOVE THE HAND OF GOD! TRADITION HINDERS THE ANSWERS TO PRAYER!Though there are SOME that dont CARE whether Doctrine is Sound,or whether TRADITION HINDERS,or whether folks prayers are answered or NOT,GOD CARES! PEOPLE THAT NEED ANSWERS TO PRAYER care! Folk that are searching for BIBLICAL TRUTH care! People in HOSPITALS care! Those that are SEARCHING FOR GOD care! And EVERY LEADER SHOULD care! And if YOU KNOW that GOD HATH CALLED YOU to Ministry,then YOU should care. THIS INFORMATION IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE THAT GOD WANTS TO TAKE OFF OF THE BENCH.THIS IS an answer to SOMEONES prayer! THEOLOGY Classes are VERY expensive.and Though you may pay HIGH DOLLARS AND MUCH MONIES,youre NOT GUARANTEED to get The RAW & UNCUT TRUTH OF JESUS CHRIST! COMPARE the tuitions: ** Of the 85 Colleges in Connecticut, fourteen schools provide Theology and Religion programs ** Average Annual Tuition $33,800 ** Yale University--Average tuition costs are extremely high, $42,300 per year ** Holy Apostles College and Seminary--Average tuition prices are close to the nationwide median, about $10,100 a year. Holy Apostles College and Seminary is affiliated with Roman Catholic Church. ** Wesleyan University--Average tuition charges are extremely high, about $45,400 a year. The additional fees at Wesleyan University not covered by tuition are around $300, which comes to $45,700 annually. ** Sacred Heart University--Average tuition charges are extremely high - about $33,800 per academic year. The additional fees at Sacred Heart University beyond tuition are nearly $300; this comes to $34,100 per year. ** Trinity College--Average tuition prices are extremely high, about $43,600 per year. The additional fees at Trinity College not covered by tuition are about $2,200; which totals $45,800 per year.Read the details about Trinity College additional charges as well as availability of loans and likelyhood of repaying them upon graduation in the Tuition & Loans report for this college. ** Connecticut College--Average tuition cost is extremely high - about $44,600 a year. The additional fees at Connecticut College beyond tuition are around $400, which comes to a total of $45,000 per year.Read the details about Connecticut College additional charges as well as availability of loans and likelyhood of repayning them upon graduation in the Tuition & Loans report for this college ** Hartford Seminary--$22,968 payable in two installments of $11,484 at the beginning of each semester (Fall and Winter/Spring). This fee is paid for three years and is subject to change.Application Fee $100.Program Extension Fee (Full-Time) is $500 yearly for each year beyond the initial three years. ** The Internet reviewed 14 theology and religion schools and colleges in New Haven, Fairfield, West Hartford, Hartford, Bridgeport, Storrs, Stamford, and 7 more cities. Around 400 theology and religion degrees are granted every academic year. Average tuition cost for theology and religion programs in Connecticut: $33,900. OK...SEEING THIS,NOW let God use me to tell you the GOOD NEWS ABOUT Theology Training: +++ The Lord uses THIS Ministry to cultivate The Ministry Gifts of the Leaders-to-be that He desires to take OFF of the bench and to use them IN Ministry,and OVER Ministry. THE TUITIONS ARE NO WHERE NEAR WHAT THE COLLEGES LISTED ABOVE ARE ASKING! DONT BELIEVE ME? VIEW THE TUITION CHOICES HERE: ourchurch/member/t/TheWordofGod/index.php?p=1_11_CLASSES-for-Bible-Course-AND-THEOLOGY-Class YOUR LICENSE WILL TESTIFY TO YOUR FULL CAPACITY OF MINISTRY AND WILL BE AND HAS TO BE HONORED AND RESPECT! THIS Ministry will ALSO HELP you to Incorporate The Work,(Ministry),that God has ASSIGNED you to,AND OVER,so that youll be OFF of The Bench and IN LEADERSHIP with THEOLOGICAL PROOF! THIS IS YOUR SEASON,Man and Woman of God!You Study at YOUR OWN pace & Take your Classes SERIOUSLY! The Course is ONLY 12 Levels,with a 13th Level being the one that you receive your License on.Youll be Studying in The Hebrew and The Greek,as well as DEEP THINGS OF GOD...NO Tradition,NO DENOMINATIONAL formation...STRICTLY BIBLE BASED with THE BIBLE AS THE Text Book. Sure,there are Study Aids,to HELP you to go deeper INTO your studies...AND ALL of The answers ARE IN The Bible. NO LICENSES WILL BE GIVEN OUTSIDE OF THE 5-FOLD MINISTRY! In OTHER words,NO one will receive License saying Minister,because THAT ONLY means SERVANT,and we ALL are THAT! NO ONE will receive License that says Elder,because when God placed PASTORS in The Body of Christ,the ELDERS,(which meant the strongest men in the Faith),were no LONGER NEEDED to babysit the Believers.NO ONE will receive License saying Reverend,because THAT NAME is used ONE TIME in Scripture,(Psalms 111:9),and It refers to GOD, as being HIS Name.Those that The Lord Blesses to receive License from THIS Ministry will be either:Apostle,Prophet,Prophetess,Evangelist,Pastor or Teacher. And NONE of those Offices are because you FEEL like thats what God called you to,but,rather,AFTER we talk and SEE the SPIRITUAL Gifts that God has ON you,THAT is How HE will REVEAL the MINISTRY GIFTING that He hath placed on your Life. The Link to view this Ministrys Theology Class link is: ourchurch/member/t/TheWordofGod/index.php?p=1_11_CLASSES-for-Bible-Course-AND-THEOLOGY-Class When you click on that Link,please notice the SECOND HALF of that page,because it refers to The Word of God,through Jesus Christ, Street & Outreach Theology Class (and Ministerial Training). Youd choose the BEST PLAN for you,(out of 4 choices),THEN submit your Tuition through The PAYPAL LINK RIGHT UNDER the PLANS to choose from,and THEN you fill out The Registration Form. Please make sure that you place your FULL CONTACT Information in THE MESSAGE BOX,(which would include your FULL NAME,with your U.S. Mailing address,and contact phone). Then youll receive a Call from The Apostle,here,at The Ministry,and your packet will be SENT RIGHT OUT! Your PACKET will Include: The Brochure ABOUT The Theology Class Course, A COMPLIMENTARY Bible CD with a Strongs Concordance and Bible Dictionaries and other Study Aids on it,AND a WELCOME ABOARD LETTER in it,as well as your FIRST 2 LESSONS,which will be reading and Questions to answer! When you send THEM back,then youll get your NEXT 2 Lessons! At the END OF EVERY LEVEL,youll get a REPORT CARD AND A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION,(with THIS MINISTRYS OFFICIAL GOLD SEAL),FOR THE LEVEL OF THEOLOGY THAT YOUVE COMPLETED. God Bless you MIGHTILY,and we PRAY that YOU WILL LISTEN TO GOD,IF HE IS TALKING TO YOU! AND IN ADVANCE,WE SAY: WELCOME ABOARD TO THE NEW LEADERS-TO-BE! IN Jesus Name,Amen...Apostle A.E. Coleman,Jr. (C)2014 THE WORD OF GOD,THROUGH JESUS CHRIST,STREET & OUTREACH MINISTRY** ++ALL RIGHTS RESERVED++(203)745-8162**Incorporated in CO,CT,NC,SC,MS,TN,TX,WI** OurChurch/member/t/TheWordofGod/ ~PLEASE EXCUSE ANY AND ALL TYPOS THAT YOU SEE IN THIS DOCUMENT~
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 03:34:00 +0000

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