THIS IS THE BEST ANALYSIS OF OBAMA THAT IVE EVER READ. Dont miss this one! Its long, but well worth the time to read.... CONFUSION AND BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA by Tucker Whitaker QUOTES--What are the foundational, fundamental beliefs which drive the decisions and ambitions of Barack Hussein Obama? ........................... BRIEF SUMMARY OF CONTENT COVERED: Obama is anti-Christian via his background with Jeremiah Wright and black liberation theology. He also has a Muslim background via his childhood education in a Muslim madrassa (Islamist). He has close ties to socialism-Marxist-Leninist communism via his past associations with people of that ilk (communist). Tucker goes on to say, quote--...there is one IST that describes Barack Obama that I am willing to be dogmatic about; he is a narcissist. ............................ FURTHER QUOTE--Tucker writes: I believe Barack Obama is an Islamist and a socialist/communist, and I believe because of their incompatibility, and because ultimately he is a narcissist—that he is presently one of the most confused individuals who has ever walked the earth. AND HE ADDS: Barack Hussein Obama is not a Christian. He is an anti-Christian, not the Antichrist but an antichrist, and we are living in the last hour. As I have often stated before, nowhere in end times prophetic Scripture is the United States of America found. Therefore, though I believe Barack Obama serves the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) and the rulers of the darkness of this age (Ephesians 6:12). Ultimately whether he is aware of it or not, even in his sinfulness he is accomplishing the will of God. I ADD: Daniel 2:21--God sets up kings and He removes them. Obama is in the process helping to bring about Gods prophesied Word, which God FOREKNEW from the very beginning.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 21:35:52 +0000

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