*****THIS IS THE FINAL CHANGE TO THE MISSION STATEMENT****** *****I WOULD ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO READ THE MISSION STATEMENT AND BELIEF STATEMENT IN ITS ENTIRETY. THE PAST FEW DAYS THERE HAVE BEEN MAJOR ADDITIONS AND SUBTRACTIONS***** This group will be one in which deals with real issues and dont make an attempt at the persona religion has produced in years past. A spirit of religion is within these places and they embody, routine without relationship, a form of godliness but without the power thereof. This spirit will always praise what God has done but will fight against what God is doing. The spirit of religion is one of the most crippling forces we face today. Its living a life behind the facades of man made neatness. Realizing they cant fix their problems so they just mask them. The same thing that was done in ancient Egypt with mummies, as they dressed up the outside, and made it all nice and neat, all the while there is a corps lying dead underneath. It is our responsibility to partner with God, shattering this veil and breaking this stronghold over their life. Introducing them to the One whos indwelling presence makes them a new creation. The transformational power of Christ that brings the dead to life. The One who makes them sons and daughters. The One whos indwelling presence transforms them and they become, The light of the world, like a city set on a hill, for all the world to see. Letting the light within them shine before men in such a way that the world may see their good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. I believe God had me build this group to be a resource to people who truly desire a relationship with Him and are off of the more commonly used, beaten road within our community of brothers and sisters. A group who desire to advance in the deeper things of Christ. People who desire to probe and pioneer in Holy Spirit. Advancing into areas in Christ they have never been before, living a life of breakthrough. Living a live co-laboring with God to establish His Kingdom here on earth. Here we are a group comprised of real people, that live in a real world, that deals with real issues. It is my hope and desire through this group others will initiate, and mature in a relationship with Christ. This relationship will offer them a consistent, ongoing, transformational process, producing an inward and outward reality, ascending them into eternal life.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 18:53:35 +0000

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