### TIME IS ONE THING YOU CANNOT BUY BACK ### I GUESS IM ONE TO POKE MY NOSE INTO THINGS.. IN FACT, THE ACTUAL BANK STATEMENT CAME OUT OF ME OVER HEARING SOMEONE TALK ABOUT THEIR TROUBLES... TODAY, IT HAPPENED AGAIN: There was a Mid 30s guy who sat down beside me with a business book, and a laptop. He probably was there for about two minutes, then he packed up and was about to head out. I was listening to music at the time so I asked if it was too loud, and if I was disturbing him, he replied no and that he just didnt feel in the mood to work and was going to just continue tomorrow. Really, the conversation naturally would stop there, but I asked him what was the reason why he didnt feel like working. He said he didnt feel productive. I told him that productive had a strong relationship to time, and that by giving up tonight just because he didnt feel like it, he really was making himself unproductive. The little work he may have been able to do tonight would not need to be done tomorrow. TIME MY FRIENDS, TIME, no matter HOW RICH YOU ARE, YOU WILL *NEVER*, ***NEVER*** BE ABLE TO BUY IT BACK. YOURE SPENDING YOUR MOST VALUABLE COMMODITY, YOUR MOST VALUABLE RESOURCE, EVERY. SINGLE. SECOND. YOU, *YOU* need to give it you ABSOLUTE ALL, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Do you need to be operating at 100% EVERY DAY? No, of course not, but you DAMN WELL better not throw away THE DAY because you dont feel like it. KEEP PRESSING ON.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 04:15:49 +0000

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