TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE HAD MAGICAL MOMENTS IN THEIR LIFE: Please consider checking out Camp Promise! This is an extraordinary camp, and the only one of its kind, for people OF ALL AGES with neuromuscular diseases. These diseases are progressive which means that most other camps have a 16-18 year old age limit. But not Camp Promise! They actualize their belief that everyone deserves moments of magic by providing the necessary medical support to enable a camp experience for anyone who wants to join. Along with... the wackiest camp fires, wheelchair accessible hot-air ballooning, dances, promposals!, adaptive sports, live band karaoke for instant rockstar status and street cred, an intra-camp postal service, pool-side fishing for counselors, skits where chefs make hamburgers in their armpits, and outrageous all-day-every-day theme days!! To those who might not have attended camp before, camp creates this magic by reconfiguring prescriptive norms to allow for Possibility. The idea that, What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are. is manifested daily - hourly, by the minute - by saying YES to new experiences, together, and making even the most outrageous ideas become realities! Both campers and counselors come out of their shells, step away from their shadows, and embrace each other in the name of something bigger than our individual selves: hope, friendship, equality, love, respect, admiration, community. This is something that deeply affects both campers and counselors. And it doesnt end with camp. Both campers and counselors gain new perspectives on themselves and how they relate to others. These are then brought back from camp to our own individual communities where they can enrich our interactions, stimulate discussion, and increase informed engagement. This is how camp changes the world. If you are looking for a place to donate to this year, please consider supporting this fantastic camp, the incredible campers, and the no-I-havent-used-enough-superlatives-yet-amazing counselors who make it all possible!! Donate here: https://firstgiving/fundraiser/camppromise/cpw2014 Check out photos here:
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 10:34:06 +0000

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