+++++ TO PROMOTE/UPLIFT THE INDIAN RAILWAYS SHOOTING SPORTS ...A COPY OF THE SUGGESTIONS WHICH WAS SENT , IS BEING POSTED HERE FOR CONCERNED SHOOTERS/AUTHORITIES......WELL IN TIME......BEFORE START THE 48th All India Railway Rifle Shooting Competition 2013-2014. Suggestions/recommendations regarding 48th All India Railway Rifle Shooting Competition 2013-2014 jasvinder singh jsinghshooter@gmail 6/13/13 ===== to rspb_rb To The Deputy Director, R.S.P.B, Railway Board, New Delhi, Subject: Suggestions/recommendations regarding 48th All India Railway Rifle Shooting Competition 2013-2014. Sir, It is a matter of pleasure for me that once again above said competition has been allotted to northern railway & I wish it shall success under the auspices of RSPB & NRSA. Keeping in view that R.S.P.B is promoting Indian shooting sport & also affiliated with N.R.A.I., it is suggested all the matches should be conducted under the N.R.A.I & I.S.S.F. rules because most of the railway shooters are participating in the nation & international competitions. It has to be decided , which are the most important competitions for players, world railway or world championships, Asian Games, Olympic Games & Nation championships in the interest of nation. Railway sports recruitment policy in shooting recommends only I.S.S.F Rules competitions. These suggestions/ recommendations are on the basis of my personal views as a I.S.S.F judge:- As per N.R.A.I & I.S.S/F. Rules. It should be divided in two categories: - Men & Women (due to more than sufficient no. of shooters are available on the basis of last 5 competitions.) No restriction in individual entry in a particular event in stead of four at present(*due to another available specialist national & international players were always unable to participate in their particular event.*more over competition seems like ‘fixed’ competition because of restricted entries) Introduce I.S.S.F events FREE PISTOL & STANDARD PISTOL/SPORTS PISTOL in stead of .22 standard rifle (prone)&.22 standard rifle (3 position)at present against N.R.A.I. rules.(cost of production will not be increased) On duty period may be treated on the basis of team position & for players winning individual medals/in a particular team events too. (because all events in shooting sport are individual / team medal winning events hence medal winner player can not be ignored if the medal winner players of other games like hockey,cricket,football,volleyball,basketball & etc. are being benefited with the same)It may please be reviewed for the other games too. Funds may please be released by the concern dept. well in time to start the competition well planned manner. There is no need to distribute the certificate on the spot for every medal. Only medals may be awarded to the winners.(because most of the winner get more than one medals/certificates) Certificate of participation to every player may be distributed by the organizer. Certificates to medal winners/participants after completion of the competition may be sent to the concern players on the pattern of N.R.A.I. Through their railways/units on only one certificate entered all medals position in stead of a bunch of certificates. (It shall reduce the cost of production too.) I proud of R.S.P.B. for playing positive role to promote Indian sports. Thanking you Regards Jasvinder Singh I.S.S.F. Judge ‘B’ (.............deleted matter...................) Email: jsinghshooter@gmail jasvinder singh jsinghshooter@gmail 9/29/13 ===== to rspb_rb
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 18:37:05 +0000

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