TODAY IVE HAD A DREADFUL DAY OF AN EX FRIEND POSTING THINGS ABOUT MYSELF AND OTHER FRIENDS AMONST MY LABOUR PARTY FRIENDS. I NEED THIS PERSON TO STOP AND I ALSO NEED FRIENDS TO SEE THE TRUTH OF THE ROW I HAD WITH HIM AND HOW I WAS NOT THE NASTY ONE. APAR FROM WHEN I INSULTED HIM AT THE END IF THE ROW, WHICH INSTILL STAND BY. PLEASE WILL SOMEBODY ASK HIM TO STOP AND LEAVE ME ALONE. THIS IS THE TRANSCRIPT. KEV Why leave the group? Sandra... The caveat about posting party political posts was clear from the start. ME You posted one yourself yesterday Kev thats why I replied with that one. You aid how you felt about them fair enough mine wasnt a rant it was a harmless answer, tongue in cheek really although you know how I feel. Im not having somebody like Mick ? Talking about Ed like that and not answering KEV Sandra, I posted a rant about miliband.... You.posted a party political post that assumed folk would like it. They didnt. If getting so upset when folks criticise your chosen labour leader is how you are going to react then brace yourself if hes elected pm. The Rant not LTBOP... Its not a sheep pen. So you will maybe have to brace yourself because you are getting upset at my reply, its as if you can say something but dont expect anybody to say the opposite. Im annoyed that you broke the rules then got upset and left the group. Personally, if Ed ever makes it to number 10 and impliments some of the tory light policy hes feeding to the.middle classes Ill criticise him even more ME No Kev you broke the rules you had a rant at something political but nobody was allowed to reply. those two I was talking to were also political, have you had a go at them. You actually started it. KEV I criticised ed.. Thats what I did wrong... It was a rant... In the spirit of the group. It wasnt a Love Ed post. Its fine to rant about politics, but to just share pro labour posts with no angst is propaganda. ME Ok right how can I argue with somebody who always thinks hes right. KEV Gordon was too spineless to even comment. Its typical of the undemocratic way the labour party members who cant accept discussion behave. Read the rules Sandra... There is no need to be abusive ME I wasnt abusive I just said Ralph was dead. Which Gordon are you talking about youve lost me?? KEV Wasnt on about that. Accusing me of always thinking Im right. That was unnecessary and quite unpleasant. Gordon Lyew ME You do always think youre right lol thats not abusive Ive always been honest with you. KEV Came in... Spent a day postingbpro miliband propaganda, no rant.... Treated it like LTBOP2... Anyone who challenged he blocked silently... Including admins.... Democratic.... Yeah ME I dont know anything about it TBH I wasnt there. KEV Sandra... No I dont. Ive backed down on more than one occasion and publically stated I have got it wrong... This is more about your inability to accept some folk cant stand Ed Miliband, think hes handing the keys to number ten to cameron, thinks hes selling the poor, disabled and disenfranchised down the river.. KEV It has nothing to do with if I think Im right all the time. You added gordon sandra.... ME I added him because he asked me to,when it said he was blocked I asked admin was he blocked, youbwerent there so I asked Carole she told me yes he was so I told Gordon sorry I couldnt add him.mI KNEW NOTHING ABOUT HIM BEING BLOCKED I would never do anything underhand. Ask Carole will you. I asked her because I didnt know. I thought hed never been on and thats why he wasnt on the list of members KEV Well. He came in... Posted propaganda... Blocked everyone who challenged him. That smacked of provaction to me ME You just accused me of trying to add somebody was blocked thats really mean Kev I wouldnt do that. KEV Sandra.... I stopped seeing his posts.... But I couldnt understand why.... I checked the member list and he was still there... Blacked out name... That means he.blocked me.... It stated underneath that he had been added by you.... I wondered why he had blocked me. I consulted others and he had clearly blocked several other members who had posted rants against miliband, or who had disagreed with his posts. Then, and only then did I block him. You added him before he was blocked. So please dont put words in my mouth. You need to carefully read before accusing. This is not very nice. ME I did not, ask Carole I added him and it Said sorry cant add this member is banned. You werent about so I found another admin Carole I asked her and she said hed blocked you so wasnt allowed on and was banned. I then went back to Gordon and told him I couldnt add him because he was banned. Dont call me a liar because Im telling the truth. If you hang on Ill find the text between me and Carole ME Hya Carole is Gordon Lyew blocked from the Rant Room, Im trying to add him and it says I cant because hes blocked ME Thats one hang on KEV Ok... Whatever.... It said Gordon Lyew... Added by Sandra Paynter two days ago... Must have been another Sandra. CAROLE Hes blocked ME Hang on that another, hang on CAROLE Yes he was blocked. He was in The Rant Room, but he blocked Kev , and you dont block admins its an unwritten rule so he got booted. He, Gordon had or has I feel an agenda. Only posts , and never engages in discussing things. ME I posted that sticker, hang on KEV Ok... Whatever.... It said Gordon Lyew... Added by Sandra Paynter two days ago... Must have been another Sandra. ME Thats from Carole, now are you still calling me a liar KEV Again... Not calling you a liar. Please stop using inflammatory language..... Ok... Whatever.... It said Gordon Lyew... Added by Sandra Paynter two days ago... Must have been another Sandra. ME Some other admin must have added him then because I havent spoken to him since and hadnt even noticed if hed been added KEV Facebook said you added him... Not me. ME I tried without knowing the circumstances you just saw the cov between me and Carole Im telling the truth KEV I viewed that before I banned him. He blocked several members before he was banned. ME Whats that got to do with me though, I dont get why youre blaming me KEV Your view of the timeline of events is mistaken. Im only responding to your accusations. Im not blamong you for his actions... You are not him... You are defending against an attack that isnt happening.... You said you didnt add him, facebook said you did. I was just informing you of that ... As far as I can tell so far Ive been accused of several things... All I have done is provide information as it was supplied to me. You used some very hurtful language. ME You didnt then? You have spoken to me like Im something you walked in on your shoe? Tell me when I added him please Why speak to me like that? I have not spoken to you disrespectfully, certainly not in the manner you suggest. That is out of order. KEV He was added by you, according to facebook. Not me... Two days before he was banned for blocking other members. ME You cant see it can you, you just dont see anything wrong in your behaviour do you, its always somebody else, you were so rude to me over that incident, which Im innocent of you cant see. So if I added him two days before he was banned how is that my fault and why would I be wrong adding him before he was banned? KEV Sandra... I have not spoken to you disrespectfully. The crux of the issue here is you clearly react badly to people who criticise Ed Miliband. Im sorry your misconception has clouded your view of myself and others. Politics is a heated business and if you are prepared so readily to fling hurtful, spurious accusations at real people with real feelings on an issue which, in the daily grind of life is utterly trivial, then you need to reflect on that. I have nothing more to say. Block, unfriend, do what you have to do. But please stop falsely accusing me of disrespectful conduct, please stop putting words in my mouth andvplease stop being so damn hurtful. Good grief 😞 .... Nobody said you were wrong to add him.... At all, ever. You asked who added him. I replied... Next thing I know my very character is being assasinated on a flawed assumption... This discussion is ridiculous, hurtful, pointless and over. ME You are psychologically unbalanced speaking to me like that. Please dont contact me again. KEV If you say so sandra... Please do likewise. You are inexplicably oversensitive to the point of absurdity. Just to let you know, Im keeping copies of this message thread in case you attempt to misrepresent, liabel or slander me in any way.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 17:33:23 +0000

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