***TODAYS SERMON*** GODS UNCHANGEABLE LOVE The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee. - Jeremiah 31:3 Thought For Today: It doesnt matter what you see or experience, dont release your grip on God. Everlasting love is the undying love of God; the love that does not change. I have read books written by people who saw the visions of Heaven and hell and how Jesus took them on a tour of hell and was weeping because of the people in hell. He weeps for them because of His love for them, even though they are in hell. Jesus seems to say, Even though you are still in hell, I have not changed My love for you. The love that took Me to the Cross is still there but your choice brought you here. And I cant take you out now, because there is no mercy after death. This is why God is still patient with us despite many deliberate acts of disobedience and self-will against Him. Human beings change. Situations change people. But God does not change. Some young innocent girls enter the university and come back home with a changed lifestyle. But we have an unchanging, weariless, tireless, limitless, faintless God. The experience of a man or the activity of satan cant change God. Nothing changes God. Never come to the point where you allow anything to change your mind about God. Never release your grip on God. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me (Ps.23:4). It doesnt matter what you see or experience, dont release your grip on God. Hold Him tighter. If you have seen something you dont understand, then there is something you need to know that you have not yet known. Dont backslide because of a calamity or a tragedy around you that you cannot understand. Remember this: it doesnt matter what you see or experience, dont release your grip on God. Assignment: 1. Appreciate God for His everlasting love for you. 2. Make up your mind to press harder into a deeper relationship with Him when faced with the issues of life. Prayer: Lord, I know that You cannot change and no situation can make me believe otherwise, in Jesus Name. Daily Reading: Morning: 2&3 John ALL Evening: Isa.27 PLEASE SHARE ON YOUR WALL!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 07:39:01 +0000

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