>> TOP 10 BENEFITS OF FISH OIL > We have all heards lots of talk - TopicsExpress


>> TOP 10 BENEFITS OF FISH OIL > We have all heards lots of talk about Fish Oils and the Fatty Acids. They contains in recent years, taken Fish oil Supplement, have become pupolar. The truth is Fish Oil can Produce Significant health Benefits. Fish Oil is found in many fish that are regularly consumed. You can also get the benefits of Fish Oil by Regularly taking a Supplement. Lets Take a Look 10 Benefits of Fish Oil. #10>> WEIGHT LOSS >> The First of our 10 Benefists of Fish oil si that it can contribute to Weight Loss. The Body Normally burn carbohydrates, first the Protien then Fat, to get the energy it needs the Omega-3 Fatty Acid found in Fish oil causes the body to burn fats, before carbohydrates or protien. This means that the body get Rid of Fats Faster and Learn muscles will be Preserved. # 9>> REDUCES TRIGLYCERIDE LEVELS >> Fish Oil is Clinically Proven to Reduce Triglyceride levels, high levels of Triglycerides can contribute to Heart Disease, the FDA has approved that use Fish Oil as a treatment for High Triglycerides. # 8>> CANCER PREVENTATION >> There is Preliminary evedence that Omega-3 Fatty acids have posible ANTI-CANCER EFFECT. Taking Fish Oil Supplement have a significant Reduced Risk of Cancer, especially BREAST, COLON and PROSTATE CANCER. # 7>> CONTROL HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE >> Fish Oil may also help control high blood pressure. It shown to slighty reduce High Blood Pressure. But since Omega-3 Fatty Acids can increase the Risk of Bleeding , a Patient should First consult with a Doctor. # 6>> HEALTH HEART >> Cardiac Dysrhythmia is a condition that affects many people, some evidence show that Fish Oil can possibly have a positive effect on those suffering from this ailments. # 5>> REDUCES DEPRESION >> Fish Oil Produces many mental Hearth Benefits. Studies have shown that Fish Oil, Reduce the Risk of Depression and Suicide, Aggressive Behavior is also connected with lower levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, it is also apparent that Omega -3 Fatty Acids can delay or Prevent the onset of Schizophrenia. # 4>> PROTECTION FROM PARKINSONS DISEASE. >> Omega-3 Fatty Acids may protect the Brain and keep a person from developing Parkinsons Disease, preliminary result are promising and it is hoped that further research will reveal an effective way to treat the illness. # 3>> BENEFICIAL DURIN PREGNANT >> Fish Oil has many benefits to an unborn child, when takin by the mother during pregnancy some of these benefits are also seen when Breast-Feeding Mother tae Fish Oil Supplement, it helps protect unborn infants, from Brain injury and promotes overall brain health in infants, it is also needed for proper visual development of an infant some evidence suggests it may help reduce sensitivity to common allergies. # 2>> REDUCES INFLAMMATION >> taking Fish Oil reduces inflammination, this means that persons suffering from Arthritis can experiences significant relief by including fish Oil in their diet or taking Fish oil in thier diets or taking Fish Oil supplement. # 1>> GOOD FOR BRAIN >> Fish has long been comsidered to have a positive on the brain , it appears that this is correct, people taking Fish Oil supplement Demostrated better connective functioning, more study, memory an General thinking abilities benefits from a diet rich in Omega-3 Fatty acids. After considering this list of 10 benefits of Fish Oil. You may decides to include more of it in your diet, you should be warned through that many fish that have a high Omega-3 content are also at risk of having a Mercury content. Make sure you are getting a high quality fish that is raised in non polluted water. Try to consume fish at least two or three times a week. If yo decide to take a Supplement. Remember that not all are of the same Quality Fish Oil Supplement or poor quality can contains toxins and conatminants. Some do not accurately report the amount of EPA & DHA that is contained. Do some reseach about the company and make sure you are paying for a high quality product.... If you want a high quality Product: choose CHOLEDUZ.. Contains Fish Oil- Omega-3. For order or for more detail: message/comment or contact my co-aimers thank you..
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 18:20:40 +0000

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