[TRANS] B.A.P FOR 10+STAR JAPANESE MAGAZINE INTERVIEW (PART 2) Q. During this tour you have released a self-produced reality show ‘B.A.P ATTACK’ on the official YouTube channel. It was favorable for many fans that they were able to see the members’ routine overseas. Each member’s airtime was different. Have you ever thought of how much would the percentage of your own airtime on ‘B.A.P ATTACK!’ be? YG: About 1%? And that’s still rounded up because we’re looking at it largely. :) If you watch ‘B.A.P ATTACK!’, you’ll see that each member has a nickname that represents himself. Mine was ‘camera-phobia’. Even now, I’m like that. It’s awkward. I don’t want to be this way, but I’m still unfamiliar with being in front of the camera. When I see how much fans worry about my airtime, I’d think ‘I’ll have to do better next time’, but in reality, when I stand in front of the camera, things don’t work out so well. However, I’m always thankful for the members who work hard even in my part. JU: Exactly 5%. Perhaps because I was too focused on filming, only my voice was recorded… I calculated by my voice’s airtime. :) HC: It would be about 10%? Actually I wasn’t filmed much, but when I appear, don’t you think there is my presence at some level? DH: Um~… I think it would be about 50%. Perhaps because ‘reporter’ was my nickname, I appeared occasionally. :) I was only filming really hard with my out-and-out reporter spirit (?)… I’m also thankful but, still, I’m sorry! :) YJ: Wouldn’t it be about 15%? Mainly, Daehyun carried out ‘B.A.P ATTACK!’ and I supported him. ZL: 20%? I still regret a bit now that I couldn’t participate a bit more actively. There are many things I want to try and things I want to show, but the schedule was so busy that I forgot even the fact that I had to hold the camera and film. I reckon that next time, if we have another chance, I’ll be able to make it more entertaining. Q. We’ll look forward to your next reality show. :) Then, what is your current status on your messenger (KakaoTalk, Line etc.) account? Even though I think nothing is written… YG: I’m the type not to give a detailed description on my profile. The way to express one’s status or words one wants to say is different for each person. Somebody would communicate with another through status message, while, on the other hand, I deliver that through music. Therefore, I have no status message. It remains the default status. I think that, wouldn’t everybody’s be so. YJ: Because I don’t especially write status message… now it’s just “?” ZL: I’m not the type to like writing something or making an appeal on things like status message, so there’s nothing written there. Q. As expected! :) Do you have a group chatting room? If you do, who is the person who sends the most messages and who doesn’t? YG: Recently, we do share it when each other’s funny pictures are uploaded, we do have a group chatting. For funny pictures, mostly we capture or save those that the fans make and upload on the internet, and we share it with each other. Every day, we’re really discovering new sides of us that even we didn’t know. :) HC: Once we catch fire it’s no joke, attacking each other with funny photos :) The amount each of us sends messages is similar, but if to choose one that talks the most, wouldn’t it be Daehyun. DH: If we need to choose, I think it’s right that I talk the most. :) JU: Usually if I have anything to say, I say it at the dorm. If not I can say it at the practice room, so I don’t use chatting room that much. I think I only use it when I have a personal matter? First of all, I’m not the type to speak much. I voluntarily confess! ZL: It seems like we all send messages in similar amount, but, even though I don’t start the conversation that often, mostly it’s me when it comes to answering, so wouldn’t it be me that sends messages the most? :) Q. All B.A.P members seem to have different character and personality. If you were granted an ability to read another member’s mind for one day, whose mind would you like to read? JU: It’s possible to guess generally what others think and how they feel, but Yonggukie hyung… Um. I’d like to read Yonggukie hyung’s mind once. I’m curious. Yonggukie hyung’s inmost heart! :) YG: Hahaha. I choose Jongup too! I’ve been a Maknae, I’ve once been the middle, and now I’m the eldest of B.A.P. However, Jongup’s position is not a Maknae, or the middle or the eldest. He’s in a different position so I don’t know what feelings that would be. Therefore, if it’s possible I’d like to read Jongup’s mind. DH: I choose Jongup too. Jongup’s charm is how we cannot guess where his mind flees, what he is thinking, so before he expresses it with words, I want to be a step ahead and find it out. :) ZL: He always has a bright look on his face so it’s impossible to tell what’s on his mind by his facial expression. For that reason, I’d like to read what’s on Jongupie hyung’s mind. HC: I choose Zelo. Hasn’t he got any concern among the 5 hyungs, what kind of thoughts does he have, there are really lots of time I’m curious about Maknae’s point of view. Also because there’s a gap between our ages, I reckon wouldn’t there be some parts I couldn’t understand thoroughly. YJ: I choose Maknae Zelo too. As he’s turning 20 soon, I’m curious what kind of things he’s thinking about and what kind of feelings would it be, and I also think there must be Zelo’s worries that I cannot know of. Zelo is too mature to show such expressions so if I can read his mind, I think I can understand and comfort him without him telling me to. Q. I can feel that you cherish each other a lot. For the members, what is B.A.P? YG: For me, B.A.P is Hannam Bridge, because the members are what keep me running. HC: It’s my everything. Since whenever, B.A.P is not a group I became a part of, but it feels like it became what I am. I think it’s so precious that I can say that all six members are me. DH: Now it’s already a family. It’s also my new start and until the end, it will stay with me forever. YJ: It’s a ‘precious thing’. Because I have B.A.P, I’m able to continue doing music and not able to give it up. More than anything, it is my precious origin that brings me to meet lots of Babys who love me. I want to carry on forever with B.A.P, the thing more precious to me than anything. JU: Because it’s been together with me through my teens and twenties, for me, B.A.P is youth. ZL: When I became B.A.P, I came to believe that dreams don’t end as merely dreams, but it can become reality. Actually, after I’ve become B.A.P, many dreams of mine have come true. B.A.P is a reliable companion that will make music together for a lifetime, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that now it is music itself to me. Q. Then, if you have something you want to tell the members but you were too embarrassed to say, let’s say it now. ZL: Um~. I think there’s nothing I was too embarrassed to tell hyungs. Because if you have something you want to do or something you want to say and you hold it back, you can end up regretting in the future. So I always try to express my sincerity to hyungs. (Looking at the members) Hyungs are nothing less than a family to me. JU: We spend time together more than a family does. Let’s think it’s always a new start and work hard with all our power! B.A.P altogether, fighting~! DH: All the members, I love you guys and thank you. In the future, let our feelings stay the same and let’s make good music and be together forever until the end. YJ: Lately, I’ve expressed and laid bare my thoughts with the members quite a lot. You all know this but I’m always thankful and I love you. I’m grateful that I have gained great friends by the name of B.A.P. And to Zelo. I’m especially thankful to you and I want to say I’m very sorry. Because you’re the Maknae, you must have suffered a lot among the hyungs and if you would stay bright and passionate just as you are now, I’d be really happy. YG: The dream of not just making a beautiful earth but a beautiful world, because it’s not just me but five reliable members dream and think together, I don’t feel lonely. I’m thankful that you always stay with me and try to match my steps. HC: Thank you for always being together and being my reliable support. Love you all! Q. This is a basic question but, what is music for B.A.P? YG: Chocolate. A thing that makes my heart move. HC: The reason I live on. A thing that makes me able to dream, makes my heart flutters, and wakes me up to rise again. For this reason, I want to continue making B.A.P’s unique music as B.A.P in the future. DH: Something like a ‘bamboo’. They say bamboos have a gift of a scary growth ability that makes them grow absurdly fast during a day. Because music makes me grow faster than anyone or anything, I can say that music is like a bamboo to me. YJ: A thing I’m thankful of. Through music, I’ve gained a feeling of wanting to attempt something and an opportunity to meet great colleagues like the members. All those things are the reason I’m thankful. JU: Because it’s something that always gives me unchanged powerful energy and passion, for me, music is youth. ZL: Because I first had a dream when I started doing music, and it made me able to feel the happiness of dreams coming true, for me, music is happiness. Q. Lastly, please say one thing to the Japanese Babys whom you guys will be meeting soon. YG: B.A.P came back with Hip Hop. Whatever you guys are expecting, we will show you the better and we will prove it to you guys so please anticipate! And please make sure you put your hands up while crossing the road to go to the convenience store across the street! CD shop is also good. Let’s buy a lot of good album and listen to it a lot. HC: I will always be by your side. We can’t always see each other but remember that my mind is always next to you, don’t forget that! DH: We really put all our energy into making this piece. And therefore I will try and work harder to show you guys the best! We will definitely see each other! YJ: I always have an apologetic mindset because we can’t see each other a lot. However, you guys are always in my heart so please wait a little! We are coming to see you now! And I love you guys deeply in my heart. JU: I have a lot to say to you guys but I can’t because my Japanese is very limited. But you already know it right Babys? I love you! And always thank you. ZL: I love you Japanese Babys! Thank you for always waiting for us and thank you for always being there with us through new beginnings. We will work hard to be better in the future so that we can have your support! Korean trans © BCHYJZ | Trans cr ; Jeanne @ itsbap ; take out with full credits.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 18:55:02 +0000

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