[TRANSCRIBED] Professor Seinfeld teaches Robert Klein the - TopicsExpress


[TRANSCRIBED] Professor Seinfeld teaches Robert Klein the difference between a comedian and a humor columnist. ROBERT KLEIN: There was no Yale Drama School for stand-up. This guy [Dangerfield] wrote jokes that were worthy of Art Buchwald -- and the guy who wrote in the Times for years -- JERRY SEINFELD: Russell Baker. KLEIN: Thank you. SEINFELD: Lets not put these guys on too high a plain, Mr. Klein. They are writing columns, okay? Nobody hears the material thats bombing when you write a funny column. KLEIN: Thats a good point. SEINFELD: Let them make a living -- great -- write your funny stuff. They dont do what we do. KLEIN: I thought Buchwald was really good. SEINFELD: Fine. KLEIN: The other guy was humorous -- witty. SEINFELD: Yeah -- you know what humor is? Its writing for yourself while youre in a room alone. KLEIN: You caught me being a little pretentious in the fact that Im elevating them because they wrote for the Times. SEINFELD: So what? What is that compared to getting a real laugh in a dark night club in front of a bunch of drunken strangers?
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:40:44 +0000

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