**TW** I have been attempting to write this note for a few - TopicsExpress


**TW** I have been attempting to write this note for a few weeks however, Holy Spirit keeps having me re-write portions of it. I want to bring you into the awareness that there are many people in the church body - and church leadership - who are placed there by the c*lt/masons/luciferians/the illuminati to destroy what Holy Spirit is doing - we call these people plants. If we can have better discernment about Christians, specifically those in leadership, we can stop many of the problems arising in churches. What a lot of Christians do not understand is that just because a person has a ministry does NOT mean they are truly believers and followers of Christ. Remember that satan himself knows the Word of God, although not in purity and truth, but he can still quote the Word when he wants to. How much more, then, can he use a minister to share the Word, even if the person is not a follower of Jesus? In Matthew 4:1-11, we witness lucifer tempting Jesus. He even quoted scripture verses out of the Old Testament to Jesus, albeit taking it out of context. He is a master manipulator and can manipulate people to use the Word in a way it was never meant to used. However, have no fear, for in Isaiah 55:11, we read that the Word never returns void. It is sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12) and it divides between the soul (mind, will, and emotions) and the spirit (our spiritman, which is either saved - if we choose Him - or not). So, before going any further, I want to encourage each and every one of you to use the Word of God as a litmus test on whether or not a man/woman is truly of Christ. Not whether or not they can quote a scripture, for satan himself can, but, whether or not the wo/man is preaching the same Gospel that Jesus did and lifting Him high. Now, onto the topic I wish to discuss in this article - exposing plants in the church establishment. Before going any further it is important to know what a plant is. A plant is a man or woman who is placed into a position of authority in a church and/or ministry who is sent there by the c*lt and/or lucifer himself. If somebody is a plant in a ministry, they will quickly ascend the ranks of a recognized and respected person in the ministry. They tend to be drawn into the prophetic or worship ministry, but they can end up in any form of leadership/respect. It is rare that the main leader of the ministry/church is from the c*lt - rather, the c*lt usually sends people who can be unassuming yet still make a splash in the ministry. Granted, some ministries, which are out there today, are run by luciferians/masons - but, this is usually done on a well-known level NOT on a regional/local church or ministry. Now, I want to go in detail about how one can discern whether or not somebody is a plant in ministry. I believe this is vital for the body of Christ to understand and I invite you to please share/repost this note so others can know about plants. Very few ministries are equipped for understanding plants and combating them, which is the reason Holy Spirit told me to write this. 1.) Do they - or do they not - talk about Jesus? Romans 10:12-14 says, For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13 for WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED. 14 How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?… Anybody who calls upon Jesus Name (sincerely) shall come to know Him. This is why anybody who is a plant in the church will NOT talk about Jesus. You can figure out pretty easily who the plants are in the church just by whether or not their focus is on Jesus. I am not talking about a minister who may say, Jesus please... - no, I am talking about ministers (who are genuine) will focus on HIM and HIM alone. Their whole message and life will be about Daddy God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. These well-known ministers, who make other doctrines about everything BUT Him, are usually plants. Sometimes, however, they are just money hungry and are not specifically involved in the masonic/luciferianism/the illuminati. Now, the western church has lost its focus on Christ because it has succumb to the vile which has been established BY the masons throughout the past 60 years - that is why most of the church in America does not focus on Jesus. You will know if they are a plant by this along with the following other information - 2.) What Gospel do they preach? 2 Corinthians 11 talks about false ministers. Verse 3 and 4 discusses about how satan deceived Adam and Eve and in the same way, a person can be deceived by another Gospel. If somebody preaches a Gospel outside of holy intimacy and devotion to Jesus, it is not His Gospel. If they present a Gospel of money and lusts of the flesh, they are not of Him. Did you know that most of the ministers who presented the Prosperity Gospel, for instance, in the 1950s, were actually well-known Masons? Its true, you can research it for yourself. I am not going to get side-tracked and talk a lot about the prostitution Gospel because that is not the focus of my note (I will, however, in the future write a note exposing the prostitution Gospel for what it is really about). Why did they introduce the WOF (word of faith) movement, anyhow? Well, lets look at the desires of the Illuminati: they desire money, lust, and fame - in the same way, the WOF/prostitution message has been introduced to satisfy the lusts of the flesh. This is a big red flag that plants are involved. The Gospel is supposed to make us DIE to ourselves (Gal. 2:20, Luke 9:23, Romans 6:11, Gal. 5:24, Romans 8:12-13, Romans 12:1-2, etc.) and become in alive in Christ. A man cannot serve two masters. So, I present this to you - is your favorite minister or pastor talking about the Lord or is s/he only talking about money and fleshy things? Again, this is a big sign that your favorite minister is a plant. 3.) Do they preach against the move of the Spirit? A friend of mine, who use to be a high priest in luciferianism, told me that the masons actually send men and women into ministries to specifically preach AGAINST the move of the Spirit. I am sure most of you can think of several well-known ministers, such as the author of Strange Fire, who makes a ministry of condemning the move of the Spirit. These ministers waste all of their time condemning moves - such as, the Toronto Blessing, the Lakeland Revival, Rodney Howard Brownes laughing revival, Azusa Street, Brownsville, etc. They expose the kundalini spirit in the church. First of all, in Eastern religions, kundalini is actually a state which is reached during Yoga - it is a state of feeling a serpent around your spine and allowing it to arise so that you can be awakened to your divine nature. It has nothing to do with the manifestations of Holy Spirit - now, granted, I am sure there is the false - after all, satan wants to destroy what the Lord means for His glory. The enemy never wants Holy Spirit to move. Manifestations of Holy Spirit are Biblical and do, if they are genuinely of Him, draw people closer to Him - and woe unto those who call darkness good and good darkness (Isaiah 5:10). These preachers, who condemn the move of Holy Spirit, are oftentimes put into leadership for that very reason. Luciferians will do everything they can to get peoples focuses off of the Lord - and what better way to do it then to deceive the Christian into believing His moves are actually of the enemy. For more about the Biblical understanding of manifestations, feel free to read my note here: https://facebook/notes/hepzibah-revivalfire/biblical-examples-of-manifestations-of-the-spirit/475443965928001 4.) Seducing spirits One of the easiest ways to tell that somebody is a plant is whether or not they have a seducing spirit. Seduction can manifest in many forms: itching ear words (2 Tim. 4:3), lustful (Rev. 2:18-29), worship of false gods (1 Kings 16:31), false prophesies (1 John 4:1 - these prophesies are always focused on man and their pleasure rather than drawing a person closer to the Lord), etc. A seducing spirit will tempt you to fall into sin without repentance and draw you away from worshipping the Bridegroom King, Jesus Christ. If one is drawing you away from Jesus, rather than pushing you closer to Him - RUN AWAY! 5.) Control under the Guise of fathering/mothering the Sheep Note: I am NOT talking about people who are called to shepherd the flock with a father or mothers heart (1 Peter 5:1-14), I am talking about those who want to lord control over their flock. In Matthew 23:9, Jesus talks about how there is only One Father -and His Name is Daddy God - we are not to consider another our leader/master. He alone is. If your leader is trying to control you by making you call him/her mother or father and telling you what you cannot or can do for ministry, you are being controlled by a spirit within them. It is possible, as well, that this may be a greater thing you are coming against than a spirit, you may indeed be coming against a plant in the church. 6.) Division One of the greatest fruits of plants is if they are causing division. What is division? Division is manipulation, threats, and cutting down one or more person in the body. If somebody genuinely has an issue with a person (i.e. somebody has been bullied or abused by a person), that is totally different. I am not talking about that. I am talking about those who go out of their way to argue with you or condemn another person to you. 1 Corin. 12:15 talks about how if one follows Christ we can have no division. Yes, we may disagree about certain things - we are, after all, growing human beings, but that is not division - division is when somebody seeks to destroy another person. Many plants will contact people and threaten them for being friends with - or supporting - a ministry/person. They will threaten their lives, work, friendships, family, etc. Note: Jesus doesnt threaten anybody. He does state the truth in love but He never threatens or manipulates a person. That is the fruit of lucifer. Since we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers (ground-level spirits), principalities (second-heaven/regional demons), and spiritual rulers (satan and false gods), we must realize that our battle is in the heavenlies NOT against the person. However, in order to continue a godly ministry, you must weed out the darkness. I am not saying you should kick the person out of the church or out of your life (honestly, you have to take that to the Lord - each situation is different depending on what is occurring - if you know that the minister is raping people or abusing people, kick them out and get them far away from anybody they hurt. Serve them up to satan for the destruction of their flesh so that, if at all possible, they may be saved - 1 Corin. 5:5. Do not, however, curse a person or reverse the curse on them - this is UNBIBLICAL and in itself is witchcraft. The Bible tells us to pray for our enemies and love those who curse/use us (Matt. 5:44). Pray for their salvation. Sometimes, calling out their sin is needed - especially if they are in leadership of some sort (1 Corin 5:12). Eph. 5:13 tells us that everything that is exposed to light is illuminated - so, expose their sin to the light so they can repent (Matt. 18:15, 2 Tim. 2:24-25). I pray that you have discernment - for it is discernment of spirits which helps one discern what is going on behind the scenes. I pray that you read the Word and allow it to penetrate your heart. If you are reading this and you are a plant, you need to choose who you will serve. Lucifer is not god, Jesus is God. Please repent and come into His Kingdom. Feel free to repost this and share with whomever you want. -Hepzibah (theliontriumphs)
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 04:51:04 +0000

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