*TW* The worst lie told toward the body of Christ is that - TopicsExpress


*TW* The worst lie told toward the body of Christ is that Christians cannot have d-mons. We are body, soul, and spirit - our spirit man is saved by His blood but our body and soul are needing deliverance. Every single person on the face of this Earth has some form of d-monic activity in their being. Every person needs deliverance, some more than others. Because of my ab-se, I had thousands of d-mons put into me by my ab-sers and yet, I was Spirit filled and preaching the Gospel. The d-mons were put there against my will. I went through over nine years of deliverance. Did you know that every time a person is raped, ab-sed, assaulted, or attacked that a d-mon will be put inside the persons soul? Why? Because the soul is fragmented from the tra-ma and the d-mons, from the other person, get transferred to the ab-sed ones. Let us stop judging the body of Christ, who truly understand warfare, because they themselves have had d-mons in them. Just because you have been taught a certain way doesnt mean that its truth. D-mons do not possess a Christians spirit but rather, their body and soul. The false teaching of d-mons cannot be in Christians is keeping millions of believers from getting freedom and going deeper in intimacy with Jesus. Lets break the chains by exposing the darkness with His Light. Eph. 5:13
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 19:48:29 +0000

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