*TW* this note may be very triggering so please use caution while - TopicsExpress


*TW* this note may be very triggering so please use caution while reading. My ministry partner and I have led hundreds of luciferians and masons to Jesus. In fact, that has been the majority of our ministry for the past five years. There is no other way to lead them to Jesus but by showing His Love. You may feel hatred toward them if they have r.ped you or your family or maybe you feel angry at them because they astr*l project and mess with you and everything related to your life. But, did you know that anger is actually an open door that their d-mons are using to hurt you? Yes, the bitterness and hatred is actually feeding their d-mons. If you really want to get them away from you, you need to follow the next few steps. It will work almost 100% of the time. Note: I am NOT talking about Laveyan satanists, etc. because that form of satanism is NOT ab-sive to others. I am specifically talking about Luciferians and Masons who ab-se people/their alters. One: Tell them you forgive them If they are trying to mess with you/your friends/your family, simply tell them you forgive them and love them in Jesus. You can say this even if you dont feel it - feelings are just an emotion, you dont have to feel something to say it. Jesus wants you to step out and forgive your persecutors. Matthew 5:44 says, but, I tell you, love your enemies... and pray for those who persecute you. There is victory in Jesus over darkness when you show HIS Love to your ab-sers. Two: Try to access their worst ab-se/tra-ma Most every Luciferian and Mason has been rit*alistically ab-sed or xesually ab-sed as a child. Ask if they have any protector alters or littles in there. Most of the time they will switch to another alter and that alter will share the tra-ma they experienced. Then, you can talk to the core or the main person who fronts the system and tell them the tra-ma. Quite often, the persons d-mons will lose temporal control and you can lead the front person to Jesus. Three: Ask Jesus to shut the portals If you are experiencing astr*l projection and the other two points didnt work, you can ask Jesus to shut the portals. Ask Him to seal the portals shut with His bl--d and shut them down completely. You may have to do this pretty often, depending on what level of astr*l projection you deal with. It is only His compassion that can lead a Luciferian or Mason to Jesus. You cannot be angry or hate them for that only opens doors in your own life to d-mons. You can end up getting d-monic oppression from anger and hatred. Jesus loves everybody so much, even your ab-sers. Allow Him to use you to minister His compassion for those who seem evil, because remember, you are not dealing with the person but rather, their d-mons. If you have any questions about ministry to Luciferians/Masons, please inbox me
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 00:34:47 +0000

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