>> Tasawwuf Is to Adopt Every worthy form of behaviour and to - TopicsExpress


>> Tasawwuf Is to Adopt Every worthy form of behaviour and to eschew Unworthy forms of action. It is to adopt, in fact, the character of the Quran and sunnah. One must give himself entirely over to Allah, the Exalted, in whatever he wills, just as He wills. A certain poet once said, Sufism is not to wear a woolen coat and patch it, nor to weep when the singer sings. It is not to cry out, nor to dance and make merry. It is not to feign faiting as if one is mad. Rather, tasawwuf is being pure without defilement and following the Quran and the religion. Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse was the best example of a Sufi according to the description The Sufi is the son of his hour (Ibn waqtihi) He will respond to the needs of the time. At every moment he is dealing with the requirements of that moment. The Muslim who is greatest in understanding is he who submits to the rule of his hour. That is, he gives everything the position it requires in action and speech. He is a person moving with time in a circle. He does not attempt to stop time, not to become stagnant in it, nor to regress in it. His effort is aimed at continually moving forward. In the season of Ramadan he reads Quran And Hadith and presents their explanations. In the season of Hajj, he expounds the virtues of the Muslim pilgrimage. At the time of Mawlid, he recites the prophets SAW Sira or biography. All of this behaviour characterised the Sufism of Shaykh Ibrahim. It was based on action and practice, traveling all over the Muslim world, giving speeches, writin pamphlets. In every endeavour, his goal was to direct Muslims to the right path (siratul Mustaqeem). Sickness did not bother him unless it halted his activity in behalf of spreading Islam. Indeed, his tasawwuf was not characterised by heedlessness and neglect (Ghafla). It was based on real islam, mastering the self (Nafs) and ruling over it with quran and sunnah. His Sufism was producing and working in various fields of life on the farms, and so forth And his followers emulated him by working on farms, in Universities, in Government, industry and parliament. Among his followers, Shaykh ibrahim inculcated a love of both knowledge and Truth his view point on education and literacy were fowardlookin and continued to be so throughout his life. Good Morning Ahbaab
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 09:30:58 +0000

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