*Telepathy allows her to bypass verbal communication, and opens up - TopicsExpress


*Telepathy allows her to bypass verbal communication, and opens up new entire worlds of communication. Not only does she possess the ability to read the minds of others, she also can send thoughts to others. The difficulty of talking with someone close to you because of any factor goes away entirely, as at a certain point the both of you can perfectly synchronize your thoughts. You know how communication is some ambiguously large percentage of a relationship? You know the bitter feel when you dont think you have the ability tell someone exactly how you feel about them? The two of you can share entire stories filled with beautiful visions and sounds all day and night, and trade pure emotion unfiltered by verbal communication. Should you also be for any reason incapacitated, she can be your perfect liaison. Perhaps if you were to fall into a coma, she could enter your subconscious to jostle you back to being awake somehow. *Psychokinesis gives her the ability to do everyday work with incredible efficiency, among any other task that is beyond human physical capability -- focusing this on herself gives her a limited ability to levitate, which can go far in terms of the kinds of positions her body can take and what kind of obstacles she can overcome. Menial tasks become amazingly easy and wont require physical contact at all, such as: **Fetching the remote from across the room **Unlocking a door w/o a key **Handling and moving fragile objects **Unzipping your pants ...etc. One extreme example is that she is a girl that can beat a girl with another girl without touching either girl. *Future Sight allows her to predict the near future with fair amounts of accuracy. For the unlucky type, she can always be there to predict the unexpected and let you know when to back out to avoid an accident -- may it be lifethreatening or not. Examples of accidents that can be avoided include: **Stubbing your toe in the middle of winter **Stepping on a piece of glass in a muddy riverbed **Stepping on a half-built $50 Bionicle set **Getting hit by a careless driver while walking across the street **Being hit by random falling objects Thought synchronization -- as mentioned earlier -- can lead to a more extreme example of this: an ability to, for example, navigate a death gauntlet or obstacle course possibly unscathed because the both of you can see the next trap before it goes off. *The light given off by the crystal in her chest can provide sensual lighting, especially considering why it glows brighter at times. A more practical use of this light can be to light up a spooky hallway if the power goes out. *Shes an intelligent psychic. Nobody likes a dumb girl, but because of the fact that she isnt as hyperintelligent as Mewtwo or Alakazam she is much less likely to cause you to feel patronized should she plan something out better than you or solve a problem more efficiently. Typically with intelligence comes maturity, and since Gardevoir is the 2nd evolution and one of the two highest forms of her evolutionary family, she no doubt would demonstrate a womanly maturity -- though her appearance shows that she is also entirely capable of being cute. *And finally theres the completely obvious. She has an almost psycho devotion to her trainer, though because of her high mental integrity she wont try to kill you to protect you. Instead, she gets the right idea and directs her force as psychic whoopass on the problem. She also knows the value of a commitment, being able to bond herself so well with her one trainer.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:18:51 +0000

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