#Testimony #LifeLessons #TrueStory: Back in my early 20s, I had a - TopicsExpress


#Testimony #LifeLessons #TrueStory: Back in my early 20s, I had a friend name Tony. Tony and I were the best of friends that had a real attraction for each other, but we were not a couple. We had been going on dates for about 2 plus years, he would hang out at my house when he needed an escape, but what really made him so special to me is that anytime I was in need of something, anything...he was there for me in a way no other man had been for me up til then. He spoiled me, but not financially, though he would look out for me that way if I would let him. He emotionally spoiled me. If I was sick, he would bring me medicine. If I needed a ride, he made sure I got where I needed to go. If I called upset about something (unrelated to him), he would literally run over to my place to make sure I was going to be ok. He was the true definition of a friend. But he certainly had his faults!! One day Tony called me and asked if I wanted to go to the movies later that day? I happily replied with a yes. He asked me to pick out a movie and stated he would call me later, but he never did...at least not that day. A few days later he called as if nothing was wrong. For anyone who knows me (or any Scorpio woman for that matter), that did not sit well with me. I cursed him out. I told him that he couldve called me if he wasnt going to come. But his response was that he thought our plans were soft plans and he got unexpectedly busy. Of course he tried to apologize but the Scorpio in me wasnt having it. I went off, told him to never call me again, and hung up the phone. (For the record, we had just started making up from another fall out we had that was WAY more serious than this that was undoubtedly his fault, so I was hurt that we were finally getting our friendship back on track, and then this.) Anyway, a few days later (on a Sunday) he called and left me a message on the answering machine checking up on me as he always did. But my response was that I was not going to call him back, that I was done for good this time. And I never did. That week, Tony was shot and killed, at no fault of his own. I never spoke to him again. I never got the chance to apologize for my exaggerated behavior. But what hurt me most, I never got to tell him how much I truly loved him and how much I appreciated his friendship over the years. Yes, Tony had his flaws, but he was always a better friend to me than not. And though I believe I had the right to be mad, I wish I wouldve handled that situation better than I did. For weeks after his death I was like a walking zombie. I could not even picture his face. Then one day I had a dream and he was in it. For the first time since his death I could see his face as clear as day. An angel came to me and said that I was going to be provided the date that Tony and I argued about, but at the end of the date, Tony would be gone. I was told that I couldnt mention that shooting or the date would end abruptly, but that I would be given the chance to say all the things I never got to say. We had that date, and at the end of the date, in our typical fashion, he drove me home and we sat in the car and had a LONG talk. In my dream I got to tell him that I loved him. Then the angel came and Tony went away. I literally woke up in tears, but I could still remember Tonys face. And for the first time since his death...I felt a peace I had not felt. The moral to my testimony is...dont wait to tell your loved ones how you feel. (1) You may rightfully get mad at someone, say how you feel, but deliver your message in a way that gets your point across, but where you cant be left regretting your delivery. (2) Once you realize you owe someone an apology, dont wait. Apologize! Dont let problems linger on unnecessarily. Get them resolved!! (3) And if you love someone, make sure that they not only hear it, but make sure your actions allow them to believe it. It is arrogant of us to think that we and our loved ones will be here tomorrow. We have all experienced at least one unexpected loss of a loved one in our lives, so we know its not promised. So dont wait...because harder than accepting the loss of a loved one, is to lose them with a heart full of regret. Take it from me! #RIP Tony...I love and miss you!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 17:23:52 +0000

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