“Thank you, Lord, for giving me another year of life. Thank you - TopicsExpress


“Thank you, Lord, for giving me another year of life. Thank you for all the people who remembered me today by sending cards, letters, gifts and good wishes. Thank you for all the experience of this past year, for times of success which will always be happy memories, for times of failure which reminded me of my own weakness and of my need for you, for times of joy when the sun was shining, for times of sadness which drove me to you. Forgive me for the hours I wasted, for the chances I failed to take, for the opportunities I missed this past year. Help me in the days ahead to make this the best year yet, and through it to bring good credit to myself, happiness and pride to my loved ones, and joy to you, Amen.” First of all, I want to give thanks to Lord above for His never ending Love upon me. For all this many years you have given me. I must use it wisely to serve you. Second, I want to thank my great parents whom brought me to this world. Mommy and Daddy, words cannot express my thankfulness for the great things you have given up to nurtured and raised me. Even though I’m an Ulavale/Fa’alogogata and pain in the butt all of the time, Mommy always with the broom and Daddy with word of wisdom, It was all worth it. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you both. I won’t even forget my Main teacher Papason and Mamason, thank you. In this point of life, I have witness and justified how true your lectures are; like MamaSon always say “there comes a time in life where you are going to say Mamason was right”. Thank you family. To my family and friends here and abroad thank you for all the birthday wishes thru email/face book/phone calls and even in person. Nothing is greater than hearing yall giving wishes and prayers. God bless all of you. To my SWEET SUGAR AIGA, Thank you all for being a great AIGA. To Grandmama June and Aunty Titi, yall turtle and shark, but yall are so reliable and always fun to hang with. Love you twos. To Unko and Fasco, mah niggah mah niggah. Unko vaai e fai e oe le isi number I le Friday night. LoL.To my CHARLIE’S Unkos, ois, Angels-Samayah and Sika, who’s your girl? Who’s your girl? Vaai se lua numbah magaia mo Friday. Love you gals. To my sheesterS in Crime- Gigi, Angel, Radiant and Shirley; the cow jumped over the MOON i kou faiga. Yall the bests sheeesters, thank you and love you all. To my lovable co-worker Felini, thank you for the great birthday lunch and everything, you’re the best, Sachicky…lol. To mah Sukamama- AgnesTipi, even though we are apart but for shua we missed you a lot. Thank you for being a fairy god mama. Mom, is looking at you while you do great in taking care of your family especially Dad, even though it means eva is limited but still you are A GREAT MAMA already. Oka, you go Mama, please enough babies, bring home a Dada…ahaha kikiga fa’asolo akoa e Papa…lol…Love and miss you. Last but not least, to mah HEART, even though your sometimes pain in the A**, but you are always my Heart. Love you pepe. Ois, and to mah husband and fiancée abroad Baby Kap at his games and Baby T.I. finishing his new album. Thank you and Love you both: 1__2__3…… MOO CAH JOWS AH LOW FAHZ TO EVERYBODY!!!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:55:09 +0000

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