~ Thank you, everyone, for your many prayers, notes, texts, and - TopicsExpress


~ Thank you, everyone, for your many prayers, notes, texts, and phone calls these past few days. Dad was discharged this afternoon, but hes not home yet. He has gone to a facility for rehab - some physically, but mostly mentally. It appears that this 3rd surgery was a success in finally repairing, as much as is possible, the issue in his spine causing so much pain, and for that we are so very grateful. He is off of all pain meds except for the morphine pump, which he had before the surgery. However, his mental state is frightening at present - he has moments of great clarity, but remains largely confused about so much, like where he is and why, for much of the time. With Alzheimers in his family history, and with his own specific medical history, we know this is likely coming, but we pray NOT YET. He has too much life yet to live, and may now physically feel well enough to live it! So Im asking tonight again for prayers - that these mental deficiencies are just residual effects of the anesthesia and large doses of narcotics, and that he will regain his faculties fully soon so that he he can go home and LIVE a full life...and I pray for strength & patience for my mom as she carries the weight of this largely alone in the day-to-day, with three daughters who love them dearly, but are often not close by to provide quick assistance. I know God has a plan and I do not question it, but I do sincerely hope it includes my dad going fishing again soon, riding on the four-wheeler with my niece, Mckinly, and playing fetch with his beloved dog and sidekick, Ben - all things he loves to do so much, and deserves to do again. So, if you have a moment to send up a prayer, I know my entire family would sincerely appreciate it. ~ ❤️
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 02:12:33 +0000

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