*******The Angels of Omniscience******* Beloved, As we - TopicsExpress


*******The Angels of Omniscience******* Beloved, As we behold the beliefs of mankind over the centuries, we find that most people believe that the Divine Attributes of Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence are not possible to obtain. Most believe that these attributes are not permitted, and that desire for them is presumptious, dangerous, and unrealistic. How then could teachers, including The Christ, have admonished you to go within and find and be found by the Holy Spirit and become ONE with God? When Jesus said, All that I do ye shall do and more. Was that a mistranslation? Mankind is permitted to mature into the Divine Attributes, all the masters, saints, and prophets are not illusions and their examples and teachings are based on reality. It is the cherished purpose of Divine Providence that each soul shall eventually shine in all the splendor and brilliance of complete Divine Consciousness. There are cycles that govern life as it evolves over the centuries in forms of mineral, plant, animal, and human. As your teachers have foretold, now is the time in the cycle of creation that many of you will be maturing into greater levels of Divine Consciousness. It is the purpose of these messages from the angels to build, day by day, the framework of knowledge that will allow you to access the resources that are available to help you . Whenever a long time goes by and there is no interaction or communication with a friend, a distance grows between the consciousness of the two of you. So too it is with relationships with the angels, when you do not correspond and interact frequently with the angels, a distance and unfamiliarity develops. When you first begin to ask us for assistance, this unfamiliarity and distance is quite large. As time goes by and we interact more and more, a great closeness, understanding, and connection develops. We are the Angels of Omniscience. When you desire to be one with God, to absolutely follow in the footsteps of the enlightened ones, you can call on us with the assurance that your desire is Holy and Beloved of God. When you call on us, understand that whatever beliefs and knowledge that you entertain already will be expanded beyond the infinite . Over time, the limits of the ability of words to describe will be transcended and the most profound intuition will descend upon you. As your mind and heart are opened to the omniscience of Divine Understanding, great is the rejoicing in Heaven, for one of Gods children has become The One. Remember that Jesus said, I and the Father are One. ALL that I do ye shall do and more. The greatest and final belief in illusion to be overcome is death. As we are called to help you obtain Omniscience, this illusion, like all others, is overcome step by step. Omniscience is ONE OF THE MANY MEANINGS OF THE PHRASE IN THE LORDS PRAYER, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN..... The Angels of Ychniag Shalom
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 03:54:02 +0000

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