† The Beaver Dam † Even though I walk through the valley of - TopicsExpress


† The Beaver Dam † Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalms 23:4 ESV It was dusk and I was in the middle of a swamp called the beaver dam. I had ridden my dirt bike over to my cousins house that day. He stayed about four miles from us through dense woods and swamp, but we had made a path to ride through the beaver dam. We were both about ten and after playing video games all evening, I realized it was getting dark and I had no headlight so I started home. Riding through the swamp on a motorcycle at night with no lights was scary, but I soon found it could be made much worse. There were bears in the area and I could feel one behind me. I kept glancing back into the shadows and would give the bike more throttle each time. Before long I was almost wide open on the muddy, rutted path and forgot all about the canal ditch I had to cross. I hit the ditch at about fifty mph and went into the air. As the bike and I flipped end over end, I was kicking it to get it started. I landed in a huge pile of mud, rolled a few times, and took straight back off. The wheels had never stopped turning. I was so terrified, my life was flashing before my eyes, but I made it home safely. You can make something bad, so much worse than it is. The more you dwell on it, think about it, talk about it, the more it grows until it will consume you. That was the most scared that I have ever been in my life and it was all in my mind. Don’t snowball your fear. Pray. Jesus loves you so much that He traded His life for yours! :)
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 02:55:04 +0000

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