©The Book of Daniel is one of the more interesting ones in the - TopicsExpress


©The Book of Daniel is one of the more interesting ones in the entire Bible as it follows the life of this awesomely faithful man. Over the course of this book we learn of his unending faith and the role it played in his surviving the dreaded lion’s den among other things. We also learn of his incredible ability to interpret visions and dreams; a skill that eventually allowed him to curry favor with King Nebuchadnezzar. His ability to accurately read visions and dreams was unmatched by anyone before or since his time. In the final chapter of this book Daniel receives a vision but unlike all the times before, this time he is cautioned not to share it. He is told to seal up the book that holds the vision until the end of time. I’ve read where biblical scholars have debated as to why he was told to do this with each giving an answer that seemed valid on a number of levels. I even posed it to a preacher in a small church I once attended at the end of a Bible study. Her answer has stayed with me for years. She said Daniel was told to seal up the book that held the visions because if he told those around him what was to come…they simply wouldn’t be able to handle it… *** A lot of us go through our lives sharing our dreams, goals and aspirations for this reason or that one. It might be for the sake of validation, conversation or any number of reasons but in most cases we are wide open with these things. But sometimes GOD places things in our hearts, minds and spirit that are not to be shared. Those times when HE will come to us, tell us a secret and in effect tell us to “seal up the book”. During those times it’s important to listen because some people are put here to be nothing more than dream breakers and dream stealers whose main focus is to keep you from reaching yours. So the next time GOD comes to you with a vision, a dream or a direction he is about to take you, keep it to yourself; that’s right…keep that secret sealed up. You’ll feel guilty or maybe awkward but don’t stay there long. Because in reality friend for what GOD is about to do for you and the places HE is about to take you if you told those dream breakers and dream stealers…they simply wouldn’t be able to handle it… Daniel 12:4
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 20:22:19 +0000

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