*The DOG, that Received a Miracle* IF, you were seeking something - TopicsExpress


*The DOG, that Received a Miracle* IF, you were seeking something from GOD .. And GOD Ignored You ?? What if you came a WORSHIPED GOD, and GOD called you a Dog to your face ? What would you do ? Would you quietly go away ? Or would you Press on, and Press In, and continue to seek GOD ? We find just such a story in Matthew 15:21-28 A Gentile Canaan woman comes to JESUS asking JESUS for Help, Yet JESUS Ignored her, and even the disciples came and ask JESUS to Send Her Away, because she was Crying After them. (Matthew 15:23) JESUS Clearly tells her that he has Nothing For Her, because he was not Sent for Her, But for the LOST sheep of the House of Israel, (Matthew 15:24) Yet she WORSHIPED JESUS anyhow, and said LORD, HELP ME (Matthew 15:25) Yet the LORD told her its not meet (Good, Proper or Moral), to give the Children’s Bread/food and cast it to the DOGS, (Meaning Her). (Matthew 15:26) Yet we see this Woman, continue to PRESS in, and Seek Mercy from the LORD, for her Daughter. When the LORD calls her a Dog, she agrees with him, saying Truth LORD (Yes I am but a DOG): (Matthew 15:27) .. Yet even the DOGS eat of the Crumbs that fall from their Masters Table. With that Statement, JESUS saw her Faith, and Responded to that Faith, Saying, Oh Woman, “Great is Thy Faith” .. Be it unto thee, even as thou wilt. (Matthew 15:28) How many times, have we Prayed, and Heard NOTHING. How many times, have we sought the LORD, only to Give up. JESUS Responded to this Woman’s Faith & Humility, as she Humbled herself to him, AGREEING, that she was not “Worthy” .. Agreeing that she was a DOG, according to the Law .. Yet seeking MERCY, from the Master .. Asking not, for a Meal, But only a Crumb. This Woman/Dog .. Recognized the Following Five Things, 1. She Recognized JESUS Authority saying, “OH LORD, Thou Son of David”. 2. She Recognized her need for JESUS Mercy. 3. She Recognized her need to Humble Herself before The LORD. 4. She Recognized, and acknowledged her Position & Predicament. 5. She Recognized and Then Responded to The WORD. What we see here is a Beautiful Picture of Repentance on the Woman’s Behalf .. As she Took, the following Five steps. 1. Believed in JESUS. 2. Understood the NEED of a Savior. 3. Recognized the Need for Repentance. 4. Admitted her Unworthiness and Guilt of WHO, she was. 5. Respond To and Receive the WORD. Have we Pressed In ? .. Have we Sought the LORD in all humility, and sought his Mercy ? Its this kind of Humble Humility that GOD Recognizes and Responds to, as our Prayers, and Cries, fall on the Ears of a Merciful GOD. A Loving, Caring, Kind, Compassionate, Graceful GOD, that responds to EVERYONE, in one way or another, as the scriptures say. GOD Rejects the Pride of the Proud, But gives Grace to the Humble. (James 4:6) Children, we must Humble ourselves before Almighty GOD, We must Acknowledge our Need of his Mercy, Grace, and Forgiveness. IF MY PEOPLE .. Will do what ? … Humble Themselves and Pray, and SEEK my Face, “And TURN, from their Wicked Ways. GOD, is still the Same, and His Message is STILL the Same, 2 Chronicles 7:14-15 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. This Woman, followed the Required Steps of the LORD, and for her Obedience in doing so, Became, “The Dog, that Received a Miracle” With Much Hope and Love, Evangelist Will Matherly
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 16:34:30 +0000

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