**The Edgar Allen Poe-themed Baby Doll Brawl is this Sunday at - TopicsExpress


**The Edgar Allen Poe-themed Baby Doll Brawl is this Sunday at 4pm!** The Raven Mavens will take on the Tell-Tale Tarts in a battle of our newest skaters. Tickets available here: ladd.ticketleap/sun---102614---baby-doll-brawl/ The Tell-Tale Tarts Spotlight video can be seen here: https://facebook/video.php?v=10152423150926918&set=vb.8677966917&type=2&theater Photos courtesy of Marshall Garlington and John Orola Photography (213-446-4278). We caught up with the coaches of the Raven Mavens (Remix to Submission of the Fight Crew and Jade to Black of the Varsity Brawlers - LADD) for a quick interview: LADD: How is training progressing so far? JB: Training so far as been great. Theres a wide variety of skill levels in our team and in the Fresh Meat program. Its rewarding to be able to see how much the newer skaters have grown their skillset and to see the more experienced skaters step up and take on more leadership roles within the group. LADD: Has this team developed an identity yet? RS: Definitely. We really wanted to create a team where everyone felt valued and no individual became the star. And they have really come together as that team and are acting as such—everyone stands behind the Ravens. The captains have done a phenomenal job of making sure everyone feels like they are contributing and are a part of the team, which is quite the feat, given the short time frame. LADD: Are they bonding on and off the track? What sort of activities is the team doing off the track to strengthen that bond? JB: Absolutely! Theyve been so supportive of each other, which helps to build bonds on the track. They have also come to watch team skaters scrimmage as a group and we will be having a team dinner and drinks as well before the game. LADD: In the last Baby Doll Brawl, you two participated as skaters for the Bad Hatters, the team which ended up winning. Do you think that experience taught you the sort of training required to win a game like this? RS: We have both been in a few BDBs, which we have gained invaluable lessons from. The coaches we have had for those bouts taught us so much about bringing a team together and what is important when training a wide range of experience levels. Bam and Doom did a fantastic job of that and we really pulled from drills and philosophies they had while prepping for this bout. LADD: Since you skated in the last BDB, that experience is still fresh in your memory. Do you think that gives you a unique advantage that you can relate closely to what the skaters are feeling since you were recently in their skates? JB: Yes! Sometimes the further you get from being in Fresh Meat, you start to forget how it felt when you were in their position. Not only can we relate to them better, but we have skated with a lot of these girls and have a better grasp on their abilities and can play to their strengths. LADD: What made you decide to give coaching a try? RS: As we mentioned before, we have had so many great coaches that have pushed us and made us the skaters we are today. We wanted to give that back and help the ladies in FM realize just how powerful and skilled they really are. LADD: Are any of your skaters seasoned meat? How does that experience translate to the newer skaters? JB: We do have several seasoned meat on our team. They have their skating skills down now and its all about learning more strategy and being able to apply that to a game situation. When youre finally at this level, its nice to be able to take on a leadership role for the newer skaters. It really puts into perspective how much you actually know about the game by being able to help the newer skaters understand and put those strategies into practice. LADD: What is the most rewarding aspect of coaching this team? RS: Hands down—seeing them work together. They came together so quickly and to see them resetting with buddies and in walls makes us giddy. LADD: Is there anything you want to say to the opposing team in the BDB? JB: Its really fun to see how the other team develops as well, even if were not coaching them. This will be a pretty close match and were excited to see how it plays out. LADD: Now that the two teams have scrimmaged together, what do you consider the strengths of the opposing team? RS: They have some really strong blockers that will capture our jammers in the front and bring them back in. We will really have to focus on that assist working with our jammer all the way through the pack. #laderbydolls #rollerderby #freshmeat #babydollbrawl #halloween #edgarallenpoe #telltaletarts #ravenmavens #lenore #nevermore #poe #ladd #rollerskating
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 16:00:01 +0000

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