« “The Europeans still cleave to their politically correct - TopicsExpress


« “The Europeans still cleave to their politically correct ideas, thus they have limited efficacy in dealing with domestic terror cells. In addition, they don’t prevent the return of foreign fighters with European passports who resided in the Middle East and trained or fought with organizations such as al-Qaeda, Jabhat al-Nusra, the Islamic State and other radical jihadist organizations. They don’t intercept enough those returning with a European passport — as long as they have not perpetrated a crime in Europe — and when that does happen, it is sometimes too late. » «“I would advise the Europeans to move the dial on the continuum between two opposing, both important, sets of values: privacy and human rights on the one hand, and the human right to life and obligation to preserve public security on the other hand. » « “to avert and halt the current wave of radicalization in Europe you have to operate on the civic plane as well. Authorities and institutions have to be created that can bridge the cultural gap between the Muslim and European populations. Radicalization is the outcome of economic hopelessness and perceptions of deprivation among the younger generation. Youth organizations and cultural centers must be founded; resources, energy and thought must be invested. It is a long, sisyphic process but that is the real solution. The intelligence and enforcement I talked about earlier are the immediate steps to be taken to halt the carnage, but not the solution in the long run.” » « “The Europeans have four problems,” “Three of them are fundamental, one is technical. The first problem is one of definition. You have to call a spade a spade. The terror that they currently face is not ideological terror. This terror is fueled by strong religious ideology. True, it’s hard for the Europeans to say this, but the fact is that while not all Muslims are terrorists, all the terrorists in this era are Muslims. You cannot win without a precise determination of the enemy.” “The second issue, is intelligence. You have to map the target population and the districts in which to operate, to get intelligence. The tried-and-true formula is if you won’t wiretap, you won’t know. Yes, civilians, too. You must wiretap them, follow them, because without it there is no intelligence and without intelligence you can’t win. “The third point is the use of intelligence. In the criminal-penal world, if you wiretap and hear a gang of lawbreakers planning to rob a bank, you can’t do a thing except to continue to keep tabs on them. But in the world of terror, when so many human lives are at stake, you have no choice but to take preventative action. The fourth issue is technical. “Europe has 28 states and 28 police forces. There is no federal apparatus that integrates all the information. You can travel from Portugal to Lithuania without being checked even once on the way. » « “The only way that the European security services can cope with the Muslim terror threat is to acknowledge reality and mark the Muslim population as a target for intelligence collection and ongoing coverage, There is no alternative for this step; without it there is no chance of achieving anything in the terror-reality of the contemporary era. You must obtain ongoing intelligence coverage of the target population on a territorial basis. »
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 10:27:42 +0000

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