• The Exhortation to Have Many Children • Question: A young - TopicsExpress


• The Exhortation to Have Many Children • Question: A young man married and has three children, and he says, My wife and I decided to prevent further pregnancies so that we may be able to raise our children with a correct Islaamic upbringing, and to attempt to keep distant the many temptations that surround them. What is your opinion of this, may Allaah reward you? Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al Uthaymeen, rahimahullaah, said: All Praise is due to Allaah, Lord of the worlds, and I ask that His Praise and Salutations be upon our Prophet, Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, his family, his companions, and all those who follow them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment. To proceed: This solution is not correct - I mean, the prevention of procreation as this differs from that which the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, and his family, guided to, since he said: Marry the ones who are loving and fruitful, as I desire to have the most followers from the Prophets on the Day of Judgment. [Collected by Ahmad in his Musnad, 13569, and at Tabaraanee in al Aswat, 5099, from the hadeeth if Anas, radhiAllaahu anhu. Shaykh al Albaanihas declared it to be authentic due to a supporting hadeeth collected by Abi Dawud] A person does not know if perhaps those children which he already has may die and he will be left with no progeny. The explanation that it (not having more children) is for the sake of having control over their upbringing and perhaps fulfilling the act of providing for them, is in reality an unsound justification. This is because righteousness is only by the Hand of Allaah, Glorified and Exalted is He. And education and upbringing is undoubtedly a cause as well - and how many of the people do not have but one child and fail in regards to his education and upbringing; and how many of the people have ten children and Allaah makes it possible to carry out their education and make them righteous by His Hand? There is no doubt that the one who says , If there are many children, it is not possible to control them - this is having bad suspicion of Allaah, Glorified and Exalted is He. And perhaps he will be punished for this suspicion. Rather, the steadfast believer performs those things which are legislated, which are causes for success in undertaking education and upbringing and asks Allaah for assistance and success. And when Allaah Knows from him that he is truthful and correct in his intention, Allaah Will Rectify his affairs for him. So I say to the brother who asked the question - do not do this. Do not stop having children, do not stop having children. Have as many children as you are able, as their sustenance is from Allaah, and their piety is upon Allaah. And the more you increase in educating and bringing them up, the more you will increase in reward. As if you have three and you teach them good character and educate and raise them well, you only have the reward for three. If you have ten, then you are rewarded for ten - and you dont know if perhaps Allaah will make from these ten, scholars and fighters in the way of Allaah who will benefit the Islaamic Ummah, and that will be from the signs of your performance of good deeds. Have many children, and Allaah will increase your wealth, and make your provisions plentiful. [From Fataawa Noor ala ad Darb, as quoted in Tarbiyat Al Abnaa: Sawaal wa Jawaab, Page 10-11. Taken from My Home, My Path]
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 02:57:26 +0000

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