“The Existence Of God” A clear and present necessity to - TopicsExpress


“The Existence Of God” A clear and present necessity to correct our nation’s economic misfortunes is at our doorsteps. Our time for entrepreneurial transformation and revolution is now as the United States of America looks to recover from massive debt, economic stagnation, and record loss of employment for its citizens. We must look to our free-markets for resolution and allow the “wheels of capitalism” to propel our financial growth in a time of great political reform and a move toward a smaller federal government which will better suit our needs as we move forward through the 21st century. Mr. Obama’s insistence on a radical change in the involvement of government in health insurance in his first term coupled with the one trillion dollars he spent almost immediately in 2009 have had a severe crippling effect on growth in this nation as most every voting citizen knows. The size and scope of the U.S. federal government has become dangerous over the past six years. A nation with debt this large simply cannot maneuver in a global economy where the value of our currency dictates our fortunes. That is why I must say that, yet again, Barack Obama has demonstrated in his address to the nation tonight that he has a reverse nature in his extreme leftist assessment in that he now wants to raise taxes on the wealthy. The reality is completely the opposite in this situation as a pro-business agenda that supports entrepreneurial freedom is certainly the best avenue toward economic stability in this decade. An economic environment that supplements an agenda where investment is encouraged at every level of the business spectrum with “more money in the pockets” of lower and middle class taxpayers should be considered the only path toward a stimulated market structure, lower debt, job growth, and a rebuilt tax base. Massive federal debt has suffocated the markets with only marginal amounts of consumer confidence since 2009 and the first solution now is spending cuts for the bureaucratic establishment along with deregulation and passage of job creation legislation primarily the Keystone Pipeline bill. The political establishment that exists in Washington, D.C. would never be productive again if it cannot change the philosophies that exist there which is the “say whatever it takes to win for your ideology” mentality all the time. A fresh new generation of Republican leaders are poised to repair that disaster while you see an administration that still endorses the “status quo” of the “spin”. Barack Obama was elected in 2008 on a “change” platform, but here he is with the other side of his mouth now in 2015. Last fall he proudly proclaimed that it was his policies on the ballot, but know he says, “Well, it was the voter turnout and I’ve still got the will of the American people.” That’s getting pretty weak with people around this nation and he should see that. That old style of politics has just down right become wildly unproductive from Democrats all of the sudden in this decade and it is been paralleled with a president who has an agenda that must believe that the Federal Reserve can just print money at will and promotes gigantic levels of government. This idea of saying one thing and then another and whatever is convenient at that given time is a culture with this administration too. Failure at compromise, a loner attitude, and horrible legislative ideals dominate Barack Obama’s reputation and his agenda for this year is the word “no”. President Obama’s “backwards” way of always thinking that government can resolve economic strife is outdated and unproductive with this much federal debt. The best way to eliminate debt is to invest in the economy through lower taxes, less regulation, spending cuts on the federal level, a strong commitment toward a “balanced budget” strategy, and future constitutional amendment. That is message the American public very strongly sent to its leaders in the fall 2014 mid-term elections. It is also a reality and a positive agenda for the nation to stimulate our markets and employment numbers. Barack, you clearly have shown me that you are “way out in left field” again with tonight’s speech. Every time you come out with an address to the American public, there are decent motivational sound-bites, but there is never any substance on “how” you plan to get things accomplished in a session of Congress. Your left-wing agenda is impassable even if your party still controlled Congress and your record over the past six years speaks for itself. Your vision for America never changes and tonight’s speech was even worse than last year’s State of the Union address which is the one I like to call the “action” portion of your presidency when you even sounded like a classic socialist. Mr. Obama clearly has no idea of how to govern in this decade and still doesn’t see that the old “tax and spend” and “borrow and spend” philosophies just cannot work this time. He is six years into his presidency, they have not worked yet so far, he clings to stubborn ideals thinking somehow his policies will start working out of nowhere, and has no idea of where we are going as a nation other than he hopes that a legacy of “lies” and “incompetence” is only temporary. Barack Obama actually thinks he can still forge his way on the American public with no acknowledgment of voter expectations and uses numerical data that is another downright bunch lies. The economic numbers are a result of a raised consumer confidence due to Republican control of the Congress and we see late last year that we have a serious problem with the crime rate in this nation. You have a non-existent record on education and your environmental policies are so radical that it becomes the biggest “cut-your-nose-off” despite your face of your presidency when most everyone sees that the advantages of the Keystone Pipeline project far outweigh the negatives it would have to the atmosphere. The best agenda for this year is to handle fiscal responsibility with care, pass the Keystone bill, encourage investment, and fortify all our defenses against terrorism. Entitlements should be shrunk and Obamacare set aside. This president should have seen in 2009 and 2010 that we couldn’t function responsibly with the Affordable Care Act, one way to get rid of it would be to simply tell him that we do not have the money for it any longer, and repeal it entirely. Furthermore, you know raising taxes would never pass a Republican Congress Barack. You just delivered the American public with a big waste of time tonight as usual because you demonstrated no ability at all to create the centrist legislative course for this nation that we need with divided government. Mr. Obama was not on the ballot last fall, he said his policies were, everyone did see the results, people voted for another direction for the nation, and “NO” you do not know better than the American people Barack. People voted overwhelmingly against government that “suffocates” freedom in the fall of 2014. That means the mandate is with Republicans and their agenda must proceed. God Bless the United States of America and all its citizens.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:40:29 +0000

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