“The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.” More coal trains, less - TopicsExpress


“The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.” More coal trains, less safety and more speed; what could go wrong here? We were not happy that we did not see any of our elected officials from the City of Portland or my County Representative supporting this effort to stop this madness. Can someone explain why we have such non-responsive politicians representing Portland? Mayor hails too busy covering up for Captain Kruger? oregonlive/portland/index.ssf/2014/07/portland_mayor_charlie_hales_i_1.html Commissioner of Transportation, novick, (*aka Brutus) too busy telling people a tax is not a tax but a fee? Or are you two gentlemen just too busy fighting off your RECALL. https://facebook/Hales.and.Novick.Recall This is an important issue about the subsidies for coal. oregonlive/environment/index.ssf/2014/08/oregon_coal_oil_train_expansio.html#incart_river Once again we do like to say nice things about our local politicians, but folks it is getting harder and harder. Chairperson Kafoury and our newest member on the County Board, Commissioner Baily, have sent a letter to the governor opposing these obnoxious subsidies and we congratulate them both. media.oregonlive/environment_impact/other/ConnectOregon%20V%20Funding%20Letter-2.pdf Individuals For Justice will take our turn and yell at our elected officials about their lack of support for a clean environment, clean air and a sense they are with us in this fight against the increase in coal trains; we only ask you make a call to the offices of the mayor and his new good buddy, novick and tell them how you feel and how you’ll vote come November of 2016. Mayor Office-----------------503-823-4120 Novick, (*aka Brutus)-------503-823-4682 * Nickname for Commissioner Novick—given to him for stabbing Disabled Veterans in the back.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:29:51 +0000

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