........................... (The Greatest Truths Never Known) - TopicsExpress


........................... (The Greatest Truths Never Known) ......................... Get your bible out, and look up, compare, and cross reference the scriptures of Gods infallible Word ! Study to show yourselves approved. Not unto man, but unto God alone ! As you rightly divide the Word of Truth. . Lets settle the age old debate about One God or the Trinity ! Who is God and His Only Begotten Son, and who is not God or His only Begotten Son ? . (Isa. 45; 5, 6) there is Only One God and None else. There is No god besides Me. (Gen. 1; 26, 27) And God said, Let (US/Plural) make man in (OUR/Plural) image and after (OUR/Plural) image. . So how do we solve this seemingly contradiction without causing the infallible Word of God to lie against or to contradict itself ? Without taking scripture out of context. . (1 John 5; 7 Original King James Version Bible) There are 3 Who bears record in Heaven, The Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. For these 3 are One. (the One and Only God). , (Col. 2; 9) Jesus was the fullness of the Godhead (not just with God, but with the Godhead, with the 3 Who bears record in Heaven, He Who said let US make man in OUR image and after OUR likeness) bodily (in not as the flesh 1 Tim. 3; 16, in the LIKENESS of sinful flesh Romans Eight; 3.) . . (Mal. 3; 6) God changes Not (God Who was manifested among us changes Not, We call Him Jesus Christ, and He changes Not Heb. 13; eight) . (John 4; 24) God is a Spirit (God Who changes Not is a Spirit. This means He always is and always will be a Spirit because He changes Not. He is the SAME Yesterday, Today and Forever. The same from Eternity to Eternity). . (Luke 24; 39) A Spirit (God John 4; 24, Who changes Not Mal. 3; 6) has NOT flesh and blood as we saw Jesus have. God is a Spirit, the flesh body God dwelt in the fullness of Col. 2; 9, cannot Please God Who was in the LIKENESS of sinful flesh Romans Eight; eight. . God Who is a Spirit, Who was in the Likeness of sinful flesh, is contrary to or the opposite of the flesh He was manifested in Gal. 5; 17. . God as a Spirit Who changes Not, and the flesh body that God was manifested in the LIKENESS of, these 2 do persecute or wars against one another Gal. 4; 29. . God Who is a Spirit does mortify, crucify, kills, puts to permanent rest, the lusts, deeds, works, and desires of the flesh body Romans Eight; 13, that God was in the Likeness of Romans Eight; 3. . The flesh body that God was in the Likeness of profits nothing, it is the Words of Life 1 John 1; 1, 2, Who was spoken out of the mouth of Jesus, Who is Spirit and Life. . For that which is born of flesh, of the virgin Mary, is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit, of God, is a spirit John 3; 5 - 7. . The children of the Spirit are the children of God Romans Eight; 14,. . While the children born of the flesh, who are flesh, are NOT the children of God, Nor the Only Begotten Son of God Romans 9; eight). . Jesus was (BOTH) Fully God (He Who is NOT a man NOR the Son of man Numbers 23; 19, Who changes Not Mal. 3; 6), and fully man (He Who is Not God. For if God cannot change and become or be a man or the son of man. Than Man or the son of man cannot be or become God. With Jesus there are 2 different sons. One born of a flesh parent Mary and thus was himself flesh, the other born of God the Father above Who is a Spirit and Who was and is Himself a Spirit). . (John 1; 1- 3) In the beginning (before the world and all things were created, before man was created, before flesh was created) was the Word (the Voice of God the Father. He Whom Adam heard walking in the gen but hid himself from Gen. 3; eight, 10) and the Word was with God and the Word was God (therefore the Word is God and Always will be God, for God changes Not). The Same (the Word) was in the beginning with God (the Words of Lite we bear witness to and testify of 1 John 1; 1, 2). All things were created by Him (by the Word Psalms 33; 6, by the Voice that God the Father speaks forth. For God spoke and it was so). . (Acts 10; 36, 37) The Word (God the Father) is the Lord of All. . (Rev. 19; 13, 16) The Word (the Voice of God the Father) is the Lord of lords and the King of kings. . (John 1; 10, 11) God Who made the world and all things (The Word, the Spoken Voice of God the Father was in the world (1 John 1; 1, 2, Acts 10; 36, 37), but the world knew Him (The Word) not, and received Him (The Word) not. . (Acts 17; 23, 24) I (Paul) passed by your altar (your place of sacrifice, surrender and dedication unto God) and I found this inscription, to the Unknown God (The Word Who created the world and all things, Whom the world knew not and received not) Him you do ignorantly (without the Knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of God) do worship. (Jesus the man or son of man, the religious leaders knew, but God, the Word fully in the man or the son of man, they knew not ! Even so it is to this day !) . (Romans 1; 22, 25,26) 22) Professing themselves to be wise (in their own wisdom which is but foolishness), they became fools 25) (Man Not God) Who changed the Truth of God (the Word John 17; 17, Who is God John 1; 1, 2) into a lie (into that which is NOT God), and worshipped and served (still worship and serve) the creature (Jesus the man or son of man, Whom God is Not Numbers 23; 19), more than the Creator (More than the Word John 1; 3), Who is blessed for ever, Amen. 26) For this cause (Because man has changed God Who changes Not, Who is Not a man Nor the son of man, into the man or the son of man, whom God was found in the LIKENESS of Phil. 2; 6 - eight). God gives them up unto vile affections (to the lusts of the flesh that brings forth sin, and the wages of or the payment for sin, which is death Romans 6; 23). . (Matthew 24; 35) The Word (He Who is eternal God John 1; 1, 2,the Eternal Word 1 Peter 1; 23, He Who was in the world Who created the world John 1; 3, 10, 11) cannot pass away (cannot die) . (Acts 17; 24, 25, 28) In God Who created the world and all things (in the Word John 1; 1- 3) we do live (Luke 4;4 for man lives Not by bread alone, but by every Word of God), we move, we have our Breath of Life (we have the Breath of Life Whom God breathed into our nostrils to cause us to become, be and remain a living soul Gen. 2; 7), and we have our being (as a living soul) (In Him we do consist Col. 1; 15 - 17) . (John 1; 1, 4, 9) The Word Who is God, is the Life and the Light in every living soul who enters the world (For The Word Who is God is the Breath of Life in every living soul who enters the world, Who gives every living soul their being). . NOTE; If the Word Who is God Who is eternal, died to pay for our sins, then God Who is the Word is Not eternal, and can pass away, and did pass away. If the Word died or passed away, in Whom we do live, move, breathe and have our being. Then all things created would have died and passed away for 3 days. Which never happened ! . So who died to pay for our sins ? Not God Who is eternal ! It was Jesus as a man or the son of man whom God is Not, Who died for our sins. Here is the exact chain of events. God the Word created the flesh body of Jesus, even as this Same Word created the flesh body of Adam. This Same Word than entered into the nostrils of Jesus and like Adam, Jesus became a living soul, even as we are, For He became LIKE us. Then as a living soul, Jesus was faithful and true to the Spirit, to God, to The Word, to the Life and breath of life in and of His soul. Then the flesh body of Jesus died, to pay for the sins of our flesh. While Jesus as a living soul died and went to hell to pay for the sins of our soul. But God Who is the Word, returned unto The Father, from once He came, and did Not return unto the Father void. . God cannot forsake Himself ! So why did Jesus, if He was God Himself, say, My God, My God, why have You forsaken me ? Because at the point that our sins was placed upon Jesus the man or the son of man, God Who cannot dwell in the presence of sin, left his soul and went back to Heaven. It is at that point that Jesus as a living soul died for our sins. For The Word Who is God was and is the Life of the soul. When the soul of Jesus died, his flesh body died. For the life of the body is the soul. . For 3 days the flesh body of Jesus laid in the grave. For the same 3 days Jesus as a living soul was in hell. It is written, You will Not leave the soul of Your Holy One in hell. What is hell ? Hell is the eternal absence of the eternal presence of eternal God, of the Eternal Word Who is God. So for 3 days, Jesus as a living soul was without the presence of the Eternal Word. . Then after 3 days, the Eternal Word Who is able to save our soul (James 1; 21) returned back into the soul of Jesus and raised Him out of hell. For His soul was no longer absent from the presence of God. Then God reunited the resurrected soul of Jesus with his body, and the body once again had life. Then God showed Jesus both body and soul alive and resurrected to all the world. Not to show the power of the man Jesus or the power of his flesh, to raise themselves from hell and the grave, but to show the Power of God Who raised both. This Same SPIRIT Who raised up Jesus, will also raise up us ! . We must be faithful and true to this Same Word Who is the Life and Breath of Life in and of our soul, Who was also the Life and Breath of Life in the soul of Jesus, and every living soul who enters the world. Even unto the death of our flesh. We are to remain faithful and true to the Spirit. As we put off and away the outward man of the flesh, and put on Christ the New Inward Spirit Man from above (Eph. 4; 22 - 24, Romans Eight; 1). . Christ Who is the Life (John 14; 6), He Who is the Word of God Who is God and the Son of God, is the Life Who is the Light in and of our soul (John 1; 1, 4, 9, Gal. 4; 19, Col. 1; 27, 29, Eph. 3; 14 - 17) Even as His Kingdom (His Eternal Supreme reign, rule, power, control, dominion and authority ) is Neither here Nor there (is NOT somewhere outside of ourselves ) but is WITHIN us (Luke 17; 21). A kingdom without a king is not a kingdom. Since the Kingdom of God is WITHIN us, than God Himself, the Word (John 1; 1, 2) Who is the King of kings, Must also be Within us. . Do you know and have you met, the King of kings Within Yourself. Your very Life and Breath of Life Within you, in Whom you live, move, being and have your being ? The Word of God Who is above, is the Exact Same Word Who is in you here below ! Seek Him and His Kingdom, both Who are Within you, first, above and before all things. That you may find Them. Then shall all things be added not unto you, for it is no longer you who lives to add all things unto. but it is Christ Alone Who alone is Within you, adding you and all things unto Himself. . Now we hear the Voice of the Lord, our Creator (John 1; 3, Psalms 100;3) speaking to us, calling us by name, in the garden of our soul. Now we no longer hide ourselves from Hi, but now we hide ourselves fully in Him. Now we hear and hide ourselves in the Voice of the Lord, Who is the Life and the Breath of Life, the Christ, the Inward Spirit Man from above, in and of our soul, in Whom we do live, move, breathe and have our very being. . The Holy Spirit of Truth is He Who reveals all Truth to us. The Truth He reveals to us is Christ the Word Who is the Truth. Christ the Spoken Word of God the Father, the eternal Voice of God the Father, reveals to us God the Father (the One True God) Who speaks forth His Son. The on of God is the Spoken Word or the Eternal Voice of God the Father, and the Holy Spirit of Truth, are They Who reveals to us the Heart and mind of the Father, The One and Only True God. . Here it is in a nut shell. God the Father is eternal pure perfect holy thought. His So the Word, the Voice of the Father, is the outward exact expression of the Father, or the fruit of the Father. The Holy Spirit is the doer or active force Who brings thee Son to past when God the Father speaks Him forth. So you have, eternal thought, word and action. These 3 are one because the 2 are both outward manifestations of the Same one and only God. But no one comes to the Father but through the Son. Through the Voice of the Father Who is the Life and Breath of Life in and of the soul. No one comes to the Son but through the Holy Spirit Who reveals or makes the Son known to us. . Being created in the image of and after the likeness of God. We are to be pure, perfect, holy thought, word and action. As only the pure, perfect, holy eternal Word of God Who is one with the Father and The Holy Spirit, fills all of our thoughts, lest we be found wicked (Psalms 10; 4), and God be angry everyday with us (Psalms 7; 11), and turn us into hell (Psalms 9; 17), as we bring ALL of our thoughts into captivity unto the obedience of Christ Who is Within us from above. In all that we speak speaking not our own words but His, and in every works we do. Being doers of the Word (James 1; 22) and no longer doers of our own works (Heb. 4; 10). When we are one with the Word Who is the Christ within us, we will be one with God the Father and the Holy Spirit for these 3 are one. . I love you all eternally. Brother Samuel Boe C. Jackson. The Personal Head Master Teacher of Gods Truths. Home Phone 1-330-525-0094 Beloit, Ohio (U.S.A.) Skype I.D. brotherboe.jackson1 . . .
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 22:28:36 +0000

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