• The Guardian: ‘’Feingold said that mediators were prepared - TopicsExpress


• The Guardian: ‘’Feingold said that mediators were prepared to facilitate the return of FDLR members to Rwanda or to settle elsewhere, presumably in DRC, but that there would be no talks about it taking a political role in Rwanda – principally because of its ties to the genocide.’’ Comment: Even if FDLR are denied any political dialogue with the Rwandan government (which option is counter-productive for peace in Rwanda), time has come to make Kagame understand that he should open the political space to the opposition and step down to allow the democratisation of Rwanda… Neither the majority of opposition parties nor the majority of the FDLR members are linked directly or indirectly to the genocidal violence of 1994. However Kagame himself and of course few members of the FDLR are central to the waves of genocidal violence not only in Rwanda but also in the Congo… Why this obsession of requesting the accountability just from one side, while all factions in conflict in Rwanda in 1994 committed genocidal violence? We the Congolese people request that Kagame should be held to account like those of FDLR or other leaders of the opposite side have been… Kagame should face Justice to respond at least for mass crimes, crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide his militias have been committing in the Congo… • The Guardian: ‘’ Feingold said that once the FDLR was dealt with, the key to long-term stability in DRC would be to strengthen the political system. That includes the countrys president, Joseph Kabila, stepping down at elections in 2016 as required by the constitution. He said the US secretary of state, John Kerry, told Kabila at a meeting on Monday that Washington expects him to abide by the two-term limit and not to attempt to hold on to power. We regard the elections as one of the top priorities not only for the domestic DRC, but for the stability of the entire region because without a credible political system it is unlikely that the eastern DRC will achieve the stability and the kind of sovereignty over the area that is needed, he said. Comment: We totally agree with Russ on this point… The United States government should not be wavering on its firm message to Kabila about the request of the Congolese people to respect the constitutional ban that prevents Joseph Kabila to seek another term in the office… Such message should equally be addressed to Kagame… Both are the trouble makers in the region. Time has come for them to turn the page…
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 17:57:13 +0000

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