*The Heart of the Antichrist* Have you ever wanted to peer into - TopicsExpress


*The Heart of the Antichrist* Have you ever wanted to peer into the darkest corners of the planet? Have you ever wanted to stay up late and watch the scariest movie ever? What about experience bone-chilling terror? You don’t have to travel very far. Just peer into the heart of the Antichrist. Yes, the Antichrist. He has a CAPITAL letter at the beginning of his name for a reason. He is the One. He is the Son of Perdition. Lucifer’s direct bloodline set in stone from the beginning of time. I dedicate this writing to my brother in Christ Seho Song who has tried to show the world who he is through his posts and his you tube videos. Why do you think he has had to open up a second you tube account? The Son of Perdition’s tentacles are far-reaching. They are constantly looking left and right trying to make sure his end time’s plan is not exposed. He acts as though he has no fear, but let me assure you that he does have fear. He fears God and his ultimate punishment. He operates on this fear and how close he is to his own judgment. A lake of fire, chains heavier than can ever be measured on a human scale, and eternal flames galore! Personally, I take great pride in exposing this man who is called the Antichrist. He is the enemy of our Lord and he has come to steal the last bits of joy upon this planet. Did you realize that we still have power to overcome this end time’s villain? Did you know that even though he sits in the Oval Office that we can overcome him? We don’t need a fancy army or a den of thieves like he has! No, no, no! We have our KNEES! We have the Word of God and we have all authority given to us! We can still use our machine gun like prayers and overcome the evil plans that he has towards the children of God. I implore you to pray each and every day against the plots of evil that he has set in motion against the elect of God. His goal is sudden destruction and sudden death, just like at the Wimbledon. He thinks if he can score the final point at the end of the match that he has achieved some sort of twisted victory! Wrong, Lucifer! Wrong, Son of Perdition! Our Lord wins the match at the end! I attached this video of Seho’s for you to watch and distribute to others. It has already gone viral, but with 7 plus billion folks on the planet we still have a ways to go! Gwendolen 2 Thessalonians 2:3 KJV 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. https://youtube/watch?v=xR6-adH_BT4
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 10:45:29 +0000

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