-The Innocent Love of a Fox Spirit to a Human- Written by: - TopicsExpress


-The Innocent Love of a Fox Spirit to a Human- Written by: Takashima Hiroki. Genres: One Shot,Pure Love, Fantasy. Feel disappointed when knowing my real identity? I am a guy that always cover my life, my face and my real voice. Humans always like to gossip, Wonder did I am a ghost or a yokai, I never show my face not because I dont like to seeing you, I dont exposed my real voice not because I dont like talk to human, Humans curiosity are very higher than me. I just wishing for a peaceful life, But peaceful never belongs to me. There was the day I was want to exposed my real identity, I meet a human girl that I was so in love to her, She is a beautiful human girl I never see in this world, She like to smile, she like to sing, Her voice so beautiful. I was always watching her from far away, I want to see her everyday. One day, she was realized that I was watching her, She walks to me and asking me why following her, I dont want to lie to a human girl that I was so in love, So I tell her that I was love her. She was answering me that if I was love her, Should take off the mask and show my face to her. I was considering for few minutes, Our ancestors tell us that if we take off the mask and show our real face to human, We will cannot go back to our world for one thousand years. One thousand is not long for us, but the girl that I liked, She will not have this long age as us. So, I decided to show her my face. When I exposed my real identity to her, She was laughing at me and saying that a creature like me is not suitable for her, She was saying to me that a creature like me should be being exorcist, And not stay in this human world to disturbing human. She was suddenly changing to another person , She was same with others human too, She was laughing at me because I am not a human. What did I done wrong even I am not a human? Because I am not a human, So I cant fall in love? The next day, The girl really call for Exorcist to kill me, How sad I was, I was already take off my mask, I cant go back to my world for one thousand from now. For the girl I loved, I breaking the custom of our ancestors, But the girl I loved want me to disappear.. The Exorcist knowing that what I am, He was afraid of me, I was not only an ordinary creature, He knows that he cant exorcist me, And he feel anxious about it, I was smiling to him and saying that everything will be okay, One more last question I ask to the girl that I liked, Did you really hate me that much? The girl was replying me with an annoying voice and so sure, I hate you until I want you to die, demon ! Dont disturb me anymore ! Disappear ! I was feel like my souls breaking down into few parts of torments, Loving a human is very suffering, But I never regret to in love with her, At least, I was know that what is the feel of love in human world, I want to put this love inside my heart, So, I was decided to seal myself inside the stone, I cannot go back either move forward, Just let me stay inside the seal, My sleep will be eternity, My love too.. Even she is hate me. After I was sealed myself, The Exorcist told the girl, That what is my real identity, The girl was shocked and sat down on the floor, But the Exorcist even tell her that, How far I loved her until I can sealed myself off even I was no need to seal myself. Is too late to know it now.. At least, my love has reached her. 「I was a GOD creature, inherited with the legendary FOX Spirit,I am the only one that can transform into human form, but cannot take off the mask in the human worlds, if I was taking off in human worlds, I will lost my power to go back my world for one thousand years, so human started to gossips that I am a monster. I should be the next Leader of our races because I was curious with human life, I was travel to human world, I was met the girl I liked, for her, I willing take off the mask and showed her my true face for my love, but the girl I liked, she want me to disappear, but I never hate her, if she want me to disappear, I will disappear too, but my love will sealed with me in the stone forever.」 *Sorry, I was so busy lately, I not purposely to stop halfway*
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 08:32:47 +0000

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