(((The Lasting Attraction))) What do you look for in a - TopicsExpress


(((The Lasting Attraction))) What do you look for in a woman/man? Well we have all heard that question one too many times. May it be someone being asked or someone asking us. The interesting thing is that the answers have something in common and I don’t mean God fearing. Looks! Yeah that’s right physical appearances take up almost ninety percent of what we look for in life partners. You will hear general statements like good looking, beautiful to more specifics like light skin, slim, tall guy or cute lady with big butt, nice legs,...etc But is that a bad thing? I mean come on; everyone has a certain look they search for? For there to be a successful relationship, physical attraction is very important. Right? Well as a Christian I should probably say looks are not important since everyone was created in God’s image and also if God looks at the heart so shouldn’t we do the same? The truth however is that physical attraction is important when looking for someone to date and or marry. The problem comes in when all we concentrate on are physical appearances. A good life partner is not determined by how tall or slim he or she is but by their character. Beauty fades away but good Character and behavior is forever. Beauty does not build a good relationship/marriage but good Character does. That’s the lasting attraction. So look for someone with good character rather than the physical appearance exalted by the world. 1 PETER 3:34 says, "let your beauty not come from outward adornment such as braided hair and wearing of gold jewellery and fine clothes, instead it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and a quiet spirit, which is of great worth in Gods sight." As much as that verse is dedicated to women it teaches us all another lesson too, let us not put our value on the physical appearances but rather more to the inside. So next time when someone asks you what you look for in a man/woman let your answer be founded on the true beauty that never fades the lasting attraction.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 21:21:29 +0000

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