“The More Effective Evil: The Impact of Barack Obama on the - TopicsExpress


“The More Effective Evil: The Impact of Barack Obama on the Black Community and…Humanity” By Solomon Comissiong on May 14, 2013 yourworldnews.org/ yourworldnews2010@gmail> theredphoenix.files.wordpress/2011/09/405690414.gif - Obama’s Race-to-the-top’ is essentially g.w. bush’s ‘No Child Left Behind’ on steroids - not an utterance about mass incarceration or pig-MURders or gun violence until 22 white children were mowed down sfaw.wordpress/ 2011/ 11/ 23/ another-intervention-into-the-affairs-of-a-sovereign-state/ obama-intervention.jpg - Obama: has worsened the war-mongering in Africa; (Abayomi Azikiwi!!!!); predicated the bombing of Libya on a pack of lies; Blacks / voices of opposition neutralized / in a state of quietude;.a Brown man as a front man for u.s. imperialism, oppression, xxxxxxxxxxx; incorporated more Blacks in the xxxxxxxx of oppression; Obama INSTALLED Clinton as the new emperor of Haiti; should be seen as a mass murderer just as his predecessor, g.w. bush was xxxx; 96% of drone-kill Obama have been civilians; Obama has killed more ……. Than his half-witted predecessor – more drone attacks in his first year ALONE, more than g.w. bush in 8 years!!; including on famine-stricken Somalia - the nerve to go to Africa and give speeches to Africans and wave his finger at them: “you cannot blame colonialism, ….”; has carried forth – indeed expanded the u.s. policy in a VERY DELIBERATE fashion – since WW 2 era – to THWART the democratic aspirations of African Peoples - 6 million people in the Congo – as a direct result of u.s. xxxxxxxxx – g.w. bush/Clinton started - millions are still dying because Black u.s. residents want to protect their icon - Per the Obana-nation DVD (hip hop!!!) that is part of this Video: There is a clip of Obama “joking;y”” threatening ‘Jomas Bros. re: Sasha and Malia !!!!!!: “I have 2 words: predator drones”. From this video-clip Obama has NO gray hair, so this clip has to be from SEVERAL years ago. Also, it demonstrates how callous Obama is about cavalierly killing people. - u.s. media don’t count Africans as human beings, and therefore …………… - Obama reminds of the old adages about fools gold and a devil’s bargain; wolves in Democratic Party clothing; - a pocket full of parlour tricks; - assessed in the whole – historically to the present - as this Video so expertly does, Obama has been the perfect weapon to pacify / mollify Blacks - the SAME oppressive policies and conditions as with previously – yet Blacks STOPPED opposing such policies and actions - like having whites in charge – jobs, etc. – forever, then a Negro gets in charge and things get even worse indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/world/2010/02/445830.html?c=on445831.jpg - a half—Black president killing people is no better than a white one ------------------------------------- - (Most) Black liberals (to be differentiated from R-E-A-L Black progressives) have not mounted one demonstration that demands – of Obama …….. jobs - Blacks have to overcome the “representationism” – that whatever the u.s. does is ok as long as they areincluded in the hierarchy xxxxxx - Black people see everything through a prism of “protecting” Obama; 30 million Secret service agents -------------------------- REVERSING THE DESTRUCTIVE MORAL TRREND (most-recently?) FROM obama’s time - the Black Left needs to recognize the RIGHTWARD shift in the Black community RELATED:
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:08:43 +0000

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