🍃The Power of the Gohonzon🍃 Let me share some guidance - TopicsExpress


🍃The Power of the Gohonzon🍃 Let me share some guidance Mr. Toda gave at a summer training course in Shizuoka: It is beyond the power of words to describe the benefit of the Gohonzon. But weak faith wont do. If you have lazy faith, where you just wish for things but dont take action, your prayers will remain unfulfilled, First chant daimoku, then resolutely take a step forward. By so doing, you can definitely create a future filled with good fortune and wisdom. Mr. Toda had high hopes for his successors. He said: Those who can spend their entire lives with a youthful spirit, a youthful life-condition, are the most admirable of all. Youth are the treasure of teh coming era. The world is waiting for the growth of todays young people. I entrust everything to our youth division members! Let me share with you these words of the Japanese thinker Chogyu Takayama (1871-1902), who works Mr. Toda also read: A force built on yourth is the greatest force in the world. May the youth, through their vibrant efforts, build a new age of the Soka Gakkai, wielding the jeweled sword of compassion and courage! SGI President Ikedas Speech (Translated from the August 26, 2007, issue of the Seikyo Shimbun, the Soak Gakkai daily newspaper) POSTED BY SHAWN AT 12:31 PM 🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃 🔥Power of Daimoku-Ikeda Sensei🔥 If you underestimate the power of daimoku and use other strategies you will lose in the end. You can accumulate good fortune only when you fight for the kosen-rufu without begrudging your life. Unless your prayers are united, your fight for kosen-rufu cannot gain momentum. No matter what anybody says, or does, nothing can defeat the power of daimoku. But without action, you cannot call it faith. The Gohonzon can penetrate through everything. The world of faith is very mystic and once you become serious, you can gain 1000 or 10000 times more benefits. When you chant abundant daimoku, you have the power to open even the heaviest iron-door that stands in your way i.e, you can overcome the most massive obstacles in your life. You can definitely change your negative karma. The world of faith is the place where many of us, all of us chant powerful daimoku in unity, thus creating power like the force of a huge wind. There is nothing but Daimoku. Daimoku determines everything. Daimoku has more power than 1 million guidance or a million books of philosophy. Chant abundant Daimoku and pray to the Gohonzon. Ask the Gohonzon whatever you need. Everything will come true as your wish and the path of kosen-rufu will open up in front of you. Everything depends upon how much Daimoku you chant. When you chant a lot of Daimoku, you will naturally feel that you need to study more. When you chant Daimoku, your work will become more fulfilling. There may be times that you will experience great sufferings and deep sorrow. There maybe nights when tears will not stop flowing. There may also be times when you are terribly hurt. At such times my heart will be open to you. I am always here to listen you. I, too, will share tears with you. You dont need to tell me anything if you are happy. I can tell just by looking at your face. Just tell me about the problems and pains that you have. I will carry half of your heavy burden and walk together with you. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🎌🎌When the world make you feel downcast, you should chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, remembering that, although the sufferings of this life are painful, those in the next life could be much worse. And when you are happy, you should remember that your happiness in this life i nothing but a dream within a dream, and that the only true happiness is that found in the pure land of Eagle Peak, and with that thought in mind, chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Continue your practice without backsliding until the final moment of your life, and when that time comes, behold! (WND, 760) If a person is hungry, we should give them bread. When there is no bread, we can at least give worlds that nourish. To a person who looks ill or is physically frail, we can turn the conversation to some subject that will life their spirits and fill them with the hope a determination to get better. Let us give something to each person we meet: joy, courage, hope , assurance, philosophy, wisdom, a vision for the future. Let us always give something. (Daisaku Ikeda, For Today and Tomorrow)🎌🎌 🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌 I have a dream [Sensei] m.youtube/watch?v=XYC20KkE5gs
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 02:51:26 +0000

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